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我的房子里面并没有设置一个娱乐室。My house doesn’t have a playroom.

游戏室用彩色软木进行装饰。The playroom is decorated with tinted cork.

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楼上还有一间游戏室,里面带有一个雪松木壁橱。There's also a playroom with a cedar closet.

地下室已改成游乐室。The basement has been made over into a playroom.

这间游戏室是供孩子们用的。The playroom is designed for the children's use.

这游戏室计划用于娱乐活动。The playroom is designed for recreational purpose.

不久,女孩们把小屋变成了游戏室,孩子们在墙上画上了异想天开的壁画,有丛林动物和太空船。The girls soon transformed the cottage into a playroom.

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二楼有卧室,储藏间和娱乐室。On second floor there are bedrooms, storage and playroom.

对他而言小屋成了一个介于游戏室和教堂的地方。To him it became something between a playroom and a church.

真是一掷千金!这地方太奢侈,还有成年人的娱乐室。High rollers! The lavish space also has a playroom for adults.

你可以把小孩带到儿童乐园,在那能得到很好的看护。You may leave your children under qualified care in the children's playroom.

此后的几星期里,那个凳子成了娱乐室里我特别喜欢的东西。In the weeks that followed, that stool became my favorite item in the playroom.

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便携式的香水!放一瓶在汽车,尿片包或是游乐室。Portable aromatherapy! Keep a bottle handy in your car, diaper bag, or playroom.

它可以作为一个聚会场所、工作空间、游戏屋或者就是个简单的冬季花园。It can be used as a party venue, a workspace, a playroom or simply as a winter garden.

陪伴我们的是关在笼子里小丑一样的熊猫,长着虎皮一样的“迷彩服”。The harlequin pattern of crib and playroom pandas, like tiger camouflage, is with us to stay.

单单游戏室就大得像她所在的那个王国的某些人家的房子那么大。And her playroom alone was as big as the houses in which some of the families in her kingdom lived.

唯一的例外是在该设施的室内部分的生动而鲜艳的儿童游戏室。The exception is a bright and vivid playroom for children on the side of the indoor section of the facility.

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一个过分整洁的娱乐室会扼杀创造力,因为孩子会觉得他们没法在这样的房间里做一些乱糟糟的实验或是随意涂鸦。A spotless playroom stifles creativity, because kids may not feel they can engage in messy experiments or art.

而且各房间配套设施齐全,各楼层均设有电视室和娱乐室以及电梯。And the auxiliary facility of every room is complete there are television room playroom and lift in every floor.

而且各房间配套设施齐全,各楼层均设有电视室和娱乐室以及电梯。And the auxiliary facility of every room is complete, there are television room , playroom and lift in every floor.