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据卡“王已经不再袭击我们的城市。The Juka no longer terrorize our towns.

据说它的样子会吓到人类,这就使它更酷了。It is known to terrorize people, which makes it even more cool.

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更极端的是,这种策略甚至会让人身险恐惧。Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.

世间没有法律和秩序,只有飞车党横行霸道。There is no law and order and motorcycle gangs terrorize the country.

女巫们摧残着遥远王国这片土地,连怪物们都惊恐不安。Witches ravage the land of Far Far Away and terrorize even the ogres.

你们渴望找到某个勇敢的国家实施恐怖主义吗?去试试法国或者中国吧。Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.

他怎么对你和我做,除了与他的警察部队恐吓我们?What did he do for you or me except terrorize us with his police force?

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他们想让我们生活在恐怖之中,但作为美国人,我们拒绝恐惧。They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear.

一个被诅咒的法老和重新加进尸体的木乃伊恐吓医学大学。The mummy of a cursed pharaoh and a reanimated corpse terrorize a medical university.

为了他们的年轻一代,他们就将天空染黑,恐吓热带雨林。For the sake of their young, they will blacken the skies, and terrorize rainforest floras.

15个月前,基地组织利用在伊拉克的基地,伤害我们的士兵并且威吓伊拉克人民。Fifteen months ago, al-Qaida was using bases in Iraq to kill our troops and terrorize Iraqis.

一个新来的神秘女孩抵达了汶上郊外豪华的路通花园居住区附近,迅速的吓坏了整个小镇。A mysterious new girl arrives in posh suburban neighborhood and quickly sets out to terrorize the town.

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奥巴马总统表示,无论是谁在平民中引爆炸弹,这都显然是恐怖主义行径。President Obama says whoever set off the bombs in a crowd of civilians was clearly aiming to terrorize.

雅利安人发动了几次徒劳的针对波塞迪亚人的恐怖袭击,但每次都被平息了。Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidans were attempted by the Aryans , and each was quelled.

半人马部落恐怖地统治着卡利姆多的贫瘠之地,并且劫掠当地人的村庄和城市。Centaur tribes terrorize the Barrens of Kalimdor and ransack the indigenous peoples' villages and cities.

这个故事讲的是一个态度咄咄逼人的辩护律师,他惯于设法恐吓对方的证人。A story is told of a brow-beating counsel, who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent's witnesses.

这个故事讲的是一个不可一世的辩护律师,他惯于尽量去恐吓对方的人证。This story is told of a browbeating counsel, who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent's witnesses.

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初学者驾照是一份具有法律效力的文件,允许青少年恐吓父母而不必担心被起诉。A learner's permit is a legal document that allows a teenager to terrorize a parent without fear of prosecution.

关于舞狮的起源,传说各有不同,但大多数都提到一个名为“年”的怪物恐吓村民。Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be, but most of them include a monster named Nian who would terrorize a village.

白人种族主义者们开始组建民兵队伍,他们在夜间出行,恐吓黑人--抢走那些刚拿到手的武器。Racist whites began to form posses that would go out at night to terrorize blacks—and take away those newly obtained firearms.