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腰部略微圆拱。The loin arches slightly.

短,肌肉发达,且略微圆拱。The loin is short, muscular and slightly arched.

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猪里脊肉是瘦肉,并且不贵。Pork loin is very lean meat and isn't too expensive.

背部水平,腰部肌肉坚实、适度折起。Level back with firmly-muscled loin and moderate tuck-up.

猪腰的加工过程对火腿质量的影响。Influence of harvest processes of pork loin and ham quality.

猪肉的话,最好的瘦肉是腰部嫩肉和胸排上的肉。With pork, the leanest cuts are the tenderloin and loin chops.

背部和腰部宽广有力,线条稍微向上延伸。Back and loin are broad and strongly coupled with some tuck-up.

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背部肌肉发达,在马肩隆后没有塌陷,在腰部也没有拱起。Back muscular with no dip behind the withers or roach over the loin.

公司与后排在短期轻微上升,肌肉发达的腰部。Backline firm with a slight rise over a short and well muscled loin.

过长的背部,腰部尤其是弱连接耦合。Excessively long back, especially when coupled with weak loin connection.

在饭馆点菜,可以点注明是取用动物腰部或腰部周围的肉,这种肉是最精瘦的。In restaurants, look for cuts marked "loin" or "round, " which are leanest.

水平,腰部略微圆拱,肌肉发达,结合紧凑。Topline is level. The loin is slightly arched, muscular, and close-coupled.

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小块瘦肉小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉。A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork.

肋骨适度撑起,向后延伸到短而肌肉发达的腰部。The rib cage is moderately sprung and extends back to a short and muscular loin.

马肩隆是背线上最高的,背线略微圆拱,越过腰部,在尾根处结束。Withers high and the topline slightly rounded over the loin to the set on of the tail.

猪扒上碟时淋上锅中的汁料,最后以唐生菜拌碟便可享用。Pour the remaining cooking sauce over the pork loin. Garnish with the lettuce and serve.

在马肩隆后面显得略微凹陷,在短而宽的腰部略微上升。The topline dips slightly behind the withers, slightly rising over the short, broad loin.

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其它的操作方法没有变化,也可以用小羊里脊肉代替肉肠。And this recipe works equally well if you replace the sausages with smell lamb loin chops.

腰部短、宽且非常轻微地圆拱,但不足以影响背线。Loin short, broad and very slightly arched, but not enough to affect the topline appreciably.

把枚头肉与肥肉剁烂,拌入腌料,搅拌至有黏性,腌15分钟。Mince pork loin with pork fat. Mix with marinade and stir until sticky, set aside for 15 minutes.