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我们是从强势地位开始这次撤军的。We’re starting this drawdown from a position of strength.

在下跌阶段中,风险控制变的尤其重要。During drawdown periods, risk control becomes very important.

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这表明,专家顾问的作品真的很好低缩编。This shows that the expert advisor works really well in low drawdown.

这也是好事,看看缩编和利润某项投资。It is also good to look at the drawdown and profits of a particular investment.

库存将会减少,且汽车业销售也将下滑.We are going to see a drawdown in inventories and we are going to see a slowdown in auto sales.

消落区土壤磷素释放对水体富营养化有重要影响。Phosphorus release of soils in the drawdown area strongly affected eutrophication of water column.

最后分析水跃值随时间和抽水井水位降深的变化规律。The change in the well loss value with time and with groundwater level drawdown is also discussed.

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贝拉克·奥巴马将评估驻阿富汗美军的人数,这是早就计划好的自7月起减少驻军的工作的一部分。Barack Obama is to assess troop levels in Afghanistan as part of a long-scheduled drawdown in July.

目前,随着我们在伊拉克缩减人员,现在我们能够为采取攻势运用必要的资源。And because of our drawdown in Iraq, we are now able to apply the resources necessary to go on offense.

松散填土边坡的失稳模式为有多重滑面的牵引破坏模式。The failure mode that developed during rapid drawdown of water level was of the multiple retrogressive type.

当地气候变化特点以及过度开采也造成了地下水的持续下降。The climate change and overexploitation of the ground water caused the continuous drawdown of the ground water.

美国进一步的减兵计划将取决于伊拉克局势和我军指挥官的建议。Any further drawdown of U. S. troops will be based on conditions in Iraq and the recommendations of our commanders.

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但他们也警告说,现在的局面也并非不可逆转,过快的军力削减可能会危害到已取得的胜果。But they also warn that the progress is not yet irreversible and could be jeopardised by too precipitate a drawdown.

在不同生产压差下测量流量可获得建立向井流动动态关系所需的数据。The data required to create the IPR are obtained by measuring the production rates under various drawdown pressures.

在放水过程中,养殖塘中水鸟的种类最多,密度最大。Waterbird species number and individual density in ponds were higher during drawdown than those before and after drawdown.

奥斯丁少将保留了在伊拉克安全局势恶化的情况下美国改变撤军日程的可能性。Lieutenant General Austin left open the possibility that if security deteriorates, the Iraq drawdown schedule could change.

抽排竖井迫降水位是最直接、有效的应急抢险措施。Drawdown of leachate level by pumping from vertical wells was found to be the most effective and workable emergency measure.

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到8月31日,撤军会将美国在伊拉克的驻军总人数,从奥巴马先生接任总统时候的14万4千人,下降到5万人。The drawdown will bring the American force in Iraq to 50, 000 troops by Aug. 31, down from 144, 000 when Mr. Obama took office.

通过对不同库水下降速率的坝坡稳定分析,得到坝坡稳定系数随库水位骤降速率的变化规律。By analysis on the influence of different drawdown speed to slope stability, the change law of stability coefficient was gotten.

在均质土坝设计中,水位骤降通常是上游边坡稳定计算时需控制的工况。In design of homogeneous earth dam, sudden drawdown of water level is always a control condition for stability of upstream slope.