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孩子要哭,你就让她大声哭吧。Children cry, you let her blubber it.

没有瘦素小鼠简直就是又懒又肥的绒毛球。And mice without leptin are sluggish balls of blubber.

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其中含量较高的纤维素和各种营养素能帮你燃烧赘肉。It's high in fibre and nutrients that help burn blubber.

张彩玉看到母亲受伤,对徐二海又哭又闹。Zhang Caiyu see mother were injured, xu two sea blubber.

我不生活在一个支柱或吃哭哭啼啼,或拥有狗爬犁。I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.

卡克托维克一所房子外储藏的冷冻鲸脂。Frozen whale blubber is stored outside a house in Kaktovik.

鲸脂有助于防止身体热量的散失。The blubber helps to stop them from losing their body heat.

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像你这么大的小孩不应该为丢了玩具就哭成那样!A child your age shouldn't blubber over a lost toy like that!

击打的同时,厚厚的脂肪能够保护重要器官。Thick blubber helps protect vital organs from the pummelling.

它们的头盖骨已经适应了以海豹肉和脂肪为主的饮食结构。Their skulls have adapted to a diet of mostly seal meat and blubber.

罗拔听说那个坏消息后,坐下来开始呜呜地哭出来。When robert learned the bad news, he sat down and started to blubber.

成年熊消灭了他的美餐,把尸体上的脂肪添的干干净净。The older bear devours his meal, licking the carcass clean of blubber.

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因为鲸的皮肤下面有厚厚的脂肪,叫做鲸脂。Because whales have thick layers of fat called blubber under their skins.

剥夺睡眠会减少脂肪脱落的机率甚至完全丧失脂肪脱落的能力。Sleep deprivation decreases the odds of shedding blubber and keeping it off.

但是我的皮毛和厚厚的脂肪层使得我可以这样,所以我并不需要一座真正的房子。But my fur and a thick layer of blubber make it so I don't need a real house.

如果老板是个混蛋,不如狂吃包巧克力的海象肉吧?If the boss is a creep, why not run wild on the chocolate-covered walrus blubber?

他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服,用它的肉做食物,用鲸脂作燃料。They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food. The blubber is user for fuel.

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在毛皮的下面还有一层十厘米厚的脂肪,名为鲸脂。Underneath their fur, polar bears have an additional 10-cm-layer of fat, called blubber.

在冰天雪地的极地,爱斯基摩人的晚餐是切成厚片的鲸的生肉。Surrounded by snow and ice, an Aleut hunter slices slabs of raw whale blubber for dinner.

您想知道您在这个洞哪里会发现金枪鱼哭泣,并且您应该用力拖它的地方」。You wonder where you would find tuna blubber in this cave, and where you should lug it to.