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水流湍急。The current is swift.

你要拒绝来是会得罪人的。He is swift to take offence.

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听宜灵敏,堰扑缓行。Be swift to hear slow to speak.

他判断迅速。He is swift with his judgments.

生命短暂,光阴飞逝.Life is short and time is swift.

听宜火速,言宜缓行。Be swift to Listen, slow to talk.

入住手续便捷,套房很可爱。Swift check-in, suite was lovely.

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他是个非常多产的作家。He is a stupendously swift writer.

史威夫特在森林中匆匆盖起一间小屋。Swift ran up a shed in the forest.

杀人流血他们的脚飞跑。Their feet are swift to shed blood

他的落地既快又稳。His landing is both swift and sure.

快车似箭一般地飞驶。The express is as swift as an arrow.

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快!滚蛋!不要再到这儿来——斯威夫特。Presto! begone! 'tis here again- Swift.

假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee

我希望能尽快恢复到最佳状态。I hope to make a swift and full recovery.

流的迅速开展,很快离开。The swift stream carried it quickly away.

大量的反应迅速的谴责之声纷沓而来。There were plenty of swift condemnations.

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我祷求使它们可以快快为我成事。All I pray is that I might find them swift.

天使振翅高唱哈利路亚。Swift the wings of angels singing alleluia.

老虎被这快速的运动所迷恋。Tiger was captivated by the swift movement.