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我要两条粘胶带。I need two strips of adhesive tape.

粘贴型斜纹棉布保护填充垫Moleskin adhesive protection padding

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这种橡皮膏粘得牢。Such an adhesive plaster sticks fast.

照片后面有条背胶。There are adhesive strips on the backs.

用强力胶将镜子固定到位。Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.

销售胶粘剂为主体的公司。Sales of the company as the main adhesive.

他从商店买回来了不干胶。He bought some adhesive tape from the store.

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其次,设计合成出六种粘接性单体。Secondly, six adhesive monomers are prepared.

具有优异的附着力与耐磨性良好。Of good adhesive force and washing resistance.

粘胶剂会粘在非常清洁的表面。The adhesive will stick to most clean surfaces.

这膏药是专门镇痛的,贴在疼痛部位。This is a special adhesive for easing the pain.

带有胶水或者胶带的特种纸。With glue or adhesive tape for specialty paper.

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缺点是粘合力差。While its disadvantage is poorer adhesive force.

须肢长到可翻转的附着瀑处。Pedipalps terminate in eversible adhesive organs.

介绍了一种新型的复合地板胶。A new compound floorboard adhesive was introduced.

硬化的地板胶只能用机械方法清除。Hardened adhesive can only be removed mechanically.

依折线将对焦棒折曲,不需黏合。Fold the focusing bars as shown, no adhesive needed.

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注意所有边缘都有胶布做瓣。Note that all edges have been petaled with adhesive.

裱胶后20分钟左右即可膜切。The adhesive film may be cut in 20min after pasting.

花岗岩与压型钢板胶粘剂。Adhesive used between granite plate and profiling plate.