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就像意式馄饨。It's like ravioli.

他们都知道我喜欢奶酪意大利饺。They know I like cheese ravioli.

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与奶酪或南瓜饺子放在一起。Toss with store-bought cheese or pumpkin ravioli.

我们已经吃饱了,您能帮我们取消无锡小笼包么?We are full now. Could you cancel the Pork Ravioli please?

我飞快地舀起一个馄饨,放进嘴里。I quickly scooped up another ravioli and popped it in my mouth.

我小的时候,自己创造了一个隐形的朋友,叫意面先生。When I was young, I invented an invisible friend called Mr Ravioli.

他看上去很糟糕,鼻子红通通的,眼睛肿得像意大利饺子。He looks terrible, his nose red, his eyes swollen like little ravioli.

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新西兰深海螯虾清汤,黑菌和扇贝饺子,番茄。New Zealand deep sea Scampi consommé, truffle and scallop ravioli , tomato.

我拆开我的那套银餐具,拿出叉子,小心地戳起一个馄饨。I unrolled my silverware, picked up my fork, and carefully speared a ravioli.

我们工厂里的工人,把我们的奶酪放在饺子里。就像意式馄饨。The workers in our factory, they put our cheese in their dumplings. It's like ravioli.

首先餐厅提供不同种类的鱼,大虾,鸡,羊和有趣的意式鲜贝云吞。First offered were a variety of Fish, Prawns, Chicken, Lamb, and an interesting Scallop Ravioli.

首先餐厅提供不同种类的鱼,大虾,鸡,羊和有趣的意式鲜贝云吞。First offered were a variety of Fish, Prawns, Chicken, Lamb, and an interesting Scallop Ravioli.

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同时,取一个大壶,装上盐水并煮沸,把馄饨放入,煮到其漂浮即可。Meanwhile, cook ravioli in a large pot of boiling salted water just until they float to the top.

意大利有组织呼吁人民在今天罢吃意粉、宽条面及意大利云吞,以抗议价格不断上升。Italians are being urged to forgo spaghetti, tagliatelle and ravioli today to protest against rising prices.

用一个小辊子轻轻地在面皮上滚一下,确保两片面皮完全粘在一起。Lightly roll over the top with a rolling pin to ensure the edges of the ravioli are firmly pressed together.

素食烤宽面条、烤卷子、馄饨,总是用乳清干酪与其他硬干酪烹制。Vegetarian lasagna, cannelloni, or ravioli are generally prepared with ricotta cheese and other hard cheeses.

他们很喜欢那里,只是瓦恰的妻子怀念那种走五分钟就能吃到油酥面团和意大利饺子的日子。They love it there, even though Ms. Vacha misses being able to walk just five minutes for pastries and ravioli.

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我在Youtube上搜了5个视频看究竟怎么用这玩意,然后才发现罐子上是有拉环的。Only after watching five Youtube videos on how to use a manual can opener did I notice the pull-tab on the top of the ravioli can.

青德鸡,上海风味华荣鸡,麦当劳,加州牛肉面和虾仁烧麦。Fried kentuky chicken. Huarong chicken with shanghai flavour, Macdold. California beef noodle, and steamed shelled shrimps ravioli.

暑假里,我和弟弟还有外婆一起包馄饨,我们包了一上午才包好,虽然很累,但是我很高兴!During the summer vacation, my brother, grandmother and I cook ravioli all together. We did it all morning , we were tired but happy !