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南墨西哥恰帕斯中部的马雅印第安人。Mayan Indian group of central Chiapas in southern Mexico.

当西班牙人16世纪来到恰帕斯的时候,玛雅人早已废弃了这座城市。By the time the Spanish got to Chiapas in the 16th century, the Maya had abandoned the city.

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目击者称,持枪歹徒用木棍和石头阻塞恰帕斯段铁路,强迫列车停下。Eye witnesses say gunmen forced a train to stop in chiapas by blocking the rails with logs and stones.

它在现今美国的西部和南部地区生活,最南到达弗罗里达州,接近墨西哥的契亚帕斯省。It inhabited the western and southern portion of the U.S. as far south as Florida, and nearly to Chiapas in Mexico.

在一个名叫齐亚柏斯的地方,那裹吹起了一道来自山区的风潮,?为一场众多不同运动互动而成的运动吹开了一道窗口。In A Land Called Chiapas , there raged a storm from the mountains to open up a window for the movement of the movements.

墨西哥人类学家称,南部恰帕斯州发现167具尸骨的某山洞乃一处古代的坟地。Anthropologists in Mexico say the remains of 167 bodies found in a cave in the southern state of Chiapas were part of an ancient burial ground.

随后,恰帕斯州民防部门对震区进行了调查并称没有人在此次地震中受伤,也没有重大财产损失。Subsequently, the State of Chiapas civil defense department conducted a survey of earthquake and said no one was injured in the earthquake, there is no significant property damage.

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墨西哥洽帕斯「鳄鱼博物馆」的研究人员曾在生物学通讯中指出,他们曾经利用这种方式达到部分效果,自2004年开始永久移置20只鳄鱼。Researchers at Mexico's Crocodile Museum in Chiapas reported in a biology newsletter they had some success with the method, using it to permanently relocate 20 of the reptiles since 2004.

墨西哥总统塞迪略下令军队将恰帕斯叛军赶出其山区根据地后才一星期,突然改弦易辙,召回军队。Only a week after ordering the Mexican army to flush out the Chiapas rebels from their mountain hideouts, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo abruptly changed course and called off the troops.

目前,墨西哥新政府采取了一系列缓和矛盾的措施,在和平解决恰帕斯冲突方面取得了进展。So far, the Mexican government has adopted a series of measures to mitigate these contradictions, and as a result, some progress has been made in the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Chiapas.