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钴蓝色。Cobalt blue.

又大又蓝?。Big and blue?

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蓝蓝的天。Blue the sky.

兰色的那一个。The blue one.

蓝队加油!Go, blue team!

他显得神情沮丧。He looks blue.

娜菲喜欢蓝色。Nef likes blue.

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的蓝相子标志。Blue sub-symbol.

我有一顶蓝帽子。I've a blue hat.

蓝胡子在喊叫着。Blue Beard called.

那颗蓝雀斑?That blue freckle?

哇。又大又蓝。Wow. The big blue.

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这是一顶蓝帽子。Here is a blue cap.

把酒问青天。I ask the blue sky.

让我们用蓝墨水。Let's use blue ink.

电灶是蓝色。The cooker is blue.

是藏蓝色的。They are dark blue.

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电灶的色彩是蓝的。the cooker is blue.

蓝天创意有限公司。Blue Sky e-shop Ltd.

蓝色山溪啊。Blue mountain river.