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我很放松。你什么意思啊?I do, Jess. What do you mean?

“早间秀节目”,杰斯·卡杰尔,于纽约。For the Early Show, Jess Cagle in New York.

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现在的她仍然和父母在家里,”她说。She’s at home with her parents, ” Jess Said.

而那个叫杰斯的黑人就坐在阴暗处的长凳上。On a bench in the obscurity sat the negro Jess.

她的手腕套在阳伞上那编织成的饰环里。Wrist through the braided jess of her sunshade.

“杰西?”虚弱的声音一出我便皱起鼻子,等着她转身看我。"Jess?" My nose wrinkled as I cringed , waiting for her to turn on me.

至于头发,杰茜浪漫柔软的卷发非常美丽。As far as hair goes, Jess rocks some romantic, soft and totally gorgeous waves.

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1919年,当时的世界重量级拳王是一个叫杰斯·威拉德的大力士。It is 1919 and the heavyweight champion of the world is a giant named Jess Willard.

别的一方面,鲁尼请杰斯教她唱歌,杰斯也直爽地容许了。The other hand, rooney please jess taught her to sing, jess also to allow a candid.

已经有好几个星期,又或许数个月,杰西卡在用餐大厅看到我时不与我打招呼了。It had been weeks, maybe months, since Jess had even greeted me when I passed her in the hall.

在我们结婚以前,Jess会和她不同的朋友出去,当然,之后我也变成了其中的一员。Before we were married, Jess would go out with her group of friends a lot, which I later became a part of.

另一方面,BB和杰斯伦看了罗拉的日志,发现罗拉和斯特芬约会的机密,于是谣言四起。On the other hand, BB and jess Aaron saw Laura log, found Laura and sandhust Finn dating confidential, hence with rumour.

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与Jess寄来一封邮件,我们收到在香港登陆后,提供指示,会议地点和电话号码。Jess sent us ane-mail, which we received after landing in Hong Kong, offering directions to a meeting place and a phone number.

而当乔的女友杰斯看到他的忏悔牌时,赶紧让他取了下来,并且最终同意给他一次机会,允许他回家。When Jess she saw his sandwich board she told him to take it off and eventually she gave him one more chance, allowing him home.

晚几分钟,也许仅仅晚几秒钟再认输,杰斯·威拉德可能就活不下来,在职业拳击史上,他可谓是被揍得最惨的人之一。Jess Willard survives by the margin of minutes, perhaps only seconds, one of the worst beatings in the history of prize fighting.

29岁的纽约注册顾问杰丝·金波和在经济行业工作的40岁女友劳伦·莱斯利在计划她们的婚礼。Jess Kimball, 29, a New York-based consultant and her girlfriend Lauren Leslie, 40, who works in finance, are planning their wedding.

Jess和Lili是营造难忘之夜的功臣,尤其是他们在婚礼上的跳舞和具有感染力的幸福。Jess and Lili were an instrumental part in creating a spectacular night, especially with their wedding dance and infectious happiness.

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因为单身妈妈莫林、十八岁大的杰斯以及美国摇滚天王JJ相继现身,毁掉了马丁的“单人派对”。Because first single-mum Maureen, then eighteen-year-old Jess and lastly American rock-god JJ turn up and crash Martin's private party.

哈里和我可以挖通Jess的朋友清单,阅读进了,而是我们相信,与Jess不会让我们误入歧途。Harry and I could have dug through Jess's list of friends to read up on Jin, but instead we trusted that Jess would not lead us astray.

他俩都觉得自己这样的“无名小卒”若是去随大流,一定会枯燥无聊并失去个性。Jess and Leslie are " nobodies " who realize that being just like everyone else would be boring and would diminish their individuality.