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很高兴看到美国终于恶有恶报。I love seeing arrogant USA get it's comeuppance.

一般来说说,巫婆,狼会得到他们的报应。In general, the witch, the wolf, get their comeuppance.

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自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。There is no prise or punishment in nature, only comeuppance.

他们希望张牙舞爪、到处大吼的恶棍得到应得的惩罚。They wanted the swaggering , braying bully to get his comeuppance.

这两个城市的繁华公寓地段都遭受了双重冲击,所以这种恶劣的状况也在预料之中。Those two sunny cities were the twin epicenters of the condo boom, so maybe their comeuppance was to be expected.

那些欢迎美国遭报应以及由无极替代单极格局的人们切莫着急鼓掌。Those who welcome America's comeuppance and unipolarity's replacement by non-polarity should hold their applause.

美国电视工作人员蜂拥至利比亚亲眼目睹这个恶人上校的因果报应,没有谁会去巴林岛和也门。American TV crews rushed to Libya to witness the wicked colonel get his comeuppance. None went to Bahrain or Yemen.

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华尔街最有权势,也是最富争议的公司,会遭到许多人企盼已久的惩罚吗?IS THE most powerful and controversial firm on Wall Street about to get the comeuppance that so many think it deserves?

从科学的观点看,这个世界上被损害的人,无法期待伤害到他们的人来世会遭到大快人心的因果报应。Those wronged on this earth cannot, on a scientific view, anticipate a sweet comeuppance for their tormentors in a life to come.

一天我得到了应受的惩罚。来自纽约州法律考试委员会的信函对我没有通过律师考试进行了通报。One day I had my comeuppance. A letter arrived from the New York State Board of Law Examiners notifying me that I failed the Bar exam.

这引起一片怨恨,不仅帮助中国提升了国际形象,也激起了亚洲各国对这次美国经济危机掩藏不住的幸灾乐祸。That caused resentment, helped burnish China’s image and inspired some scarcely concealed glee at America’s comeuppance a decade later.

特朗普和“英国退出欧盟”代表着采取行动——不管是什么行动——改变这种局面。在支持者看来,这是自鸣得意的精英应得的惩罚。Trump and "Brexit" represent action — any action — to shake things up. They are, to their supporters, the comeuppance smug elites deserve.

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在这里声明一下,我没有这样的睡裤。不过如果我写这篇文章所得的报应只是违反时尚的犯罪的话,我觉得自己很幸运。In my defense, I own no such pajama bottoms. But if a crime against fashion is the only comeuppance I get from writing the article, I consider myself lucky.

在启悟者缺位的情况下,本应为由色到空转换链条的因果报应成了男性中心的理念表达。With the absence of mentors, comeuppance which was originally important chain from lust to emptiness became the expression of the male- centered conception.

当然,这使他遭受了来自同事们的一些“善意的”奚落,而他们幸灾乐祸地看着这位销售天才遭报应。This, of course, exposeds him to some good-natured6 ridicule from his associates, who took not-so-secret delight in seeing the sales prodigy get his comeuppance.

居住在二王庙的很多人都认为这次地震是因为人们无休止的战争,不尊重老人,破坏坏境惩罚。Many of the men and women who live at Two Kings view the earthquake as a comeuppance for man's endless wars, the neglect of the elderly, the abuse of the environment.

中国传统的善恶报应观与佛教的因果报应说即有相似处又有明显的差别。At the same time, conflict and fusion between the Buddhist comeuppance theory and the traditional retributive view in China are analyzed when Buddhism was prosperous in Tang and Song.