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野鸭孵化出的小天鹅A cygnet is hovered by a duck.

亲爱的小天鹅,我知道我外形不佳。My dearest Miss Cygnet , I see I don't look good.

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然而,不只是所有人都能够购买小天鹅。However, not just anyone will be able to buy a Cygnet.

我感觉就像是夹在柴可夫斯基的小天鹅和利比扎马中间。I felt like a cross between a Tchaikovsky cygnet and a lipizzaner.

并在此基础上,他预计销售4000份小天鹅每年。And based on that, he expects to sell 4000 copies of the Cygnet each year.

我们的当务之急是与现有的阿斯顿马丁的顾客,我们将开始使小天鹅在欧洲推出第一。Our immediate priority is with existing Aston Martin customers and we will start to make the Cygnet available in Europe first.

1912年3月,约翰·麦柯迪试驾亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔的实验性四面体风筝,通过动力飞离地面的“小天鹅3号”。John McCurdy pilots Alexander Graham Bell's experimental tetrahedral kite, the Cygnet III, which left the ground via powered flight in March 1912.

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佳永小天鹅餐饮公司致力成为中国的第一品牌,把特色饮食带给千家万户。Joy Cygnet Restaurant Management Company makes every effort to become China's number one brand for specialty food and its hard work has been gratifying.

并将其加以整合,制定出小天鹅酒店管理公司的组合发展战略,即“经济型酒店集团”的组合战略,以充分利用市场机会,力争在未来的市场竞争中取得优势。At the same time, we will integrate the two strategy, formulate the composed strategy of "economic hotel group"of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company, achieve the advantages in the competition.

并从组织结构、人力资源、市场营销和品牌经营等诸多方面推行发展战略的保证措施,确保小天鹅酒店管理公司发展战略的顺利实施。And, we will implement the secure measure from the organic construction, human resource, marketing and brand, assure the operation of the developing strategy of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company.