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那位斗牛士真帅。The matador is so handsome.

这个斗牛士真是死里逃生。The matador had a narrow escape.

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这头牛被斗牛士激怒了。The bull was irritated by the matador.

观众们为那个勇敢的斗牛士而疯狂。Spoectators were crazy about the brave matador.

当时那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士。The bull was busy with the matador at the time.

斗牛士左肩对着牛,举起他的锋利的银色尖刀。The matador profiled,his thin silver blade raised.

作为一名斗牛士,你与公牛有一种深厚的联系。As a matador you have a deep connection with the bulls.

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斗牛士和公牛在斗牛场中进行阗精彩的表演。The matador and the bull performed wonderfully in the ring.

一款以西班牙斗牛士为背景的拼图游戏!A matador in Spain against the background of the jigsaw puzzle!

西班牙上一个因斗牛而死亡的斗牛士是若泽·库贝罗,那是1985年的事儿了。The last matador to die in a bullfight in Spain was Jose Cubero, or Yiyo, in 1985.

为什么每次西班牙斗牛士都要站在公牛面前挥舞他红色的披肩?What about that Spanish matador who artfully waves his red cape in front of the bull?

卡门逐渐厌弃唐豪塞而爱上了斗牛士埃斯卡米里奥。Carmen becomes tired of Don Jose and falls in love with the handsome matador Escamillo.

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今年早些时候在墨西哥最著名的斗牛场——市长广场,这位12岁的斗牛士被公牛刺中了。Earlier this year, the twelve-year-old matador was gored in Mexico's most famous bull fighting venue, Plaza Mayor.

在塞维尔马艾斯特兰扎斗牛场,西班牙斗牛士丹尼尔·卢克杀死一头公牛。Spanish matador Daniel Luque is seen after killing a bull during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville.

西班牙斗牛士何塞玛丽亚曼萨纳雷斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日,在西班牙东南部阿尔梅里亚,的斗牛。Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria southeastern Spain August 26 2011.

西班牙斗牛士何塞码丽亚曼萨纳雷斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日,在西班牙东南部阿尔梅溜亚,的斗牛。Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria, southeastern Spain, August 26, 2011.

西班牙斗牛士,以其动作简洁迅速著称,是当时最著名的斗牛士,但是于1947年被牛抵死。Spanish bullfighter. Noted for his economy of movement, he was a leading matador of his time but was fatally gored by a bull in 1947.

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西班牙斗牛士被愤怒的公牛刺穿喉咙,庆幸的是该斗牛士经过手术已脱离生命危险。Spanish matador Julio Aparicio is gored by a bull during a bullfight during the San Isidro Feria at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.

那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士,但突然它看见了醉汉,他大声说着粗鲁的话,手里挥动着一顶红帽子。The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.

奥利瓦索托西班牙斗牛士斗牛时凝视在圣佛明节在潘普洛纳的斗牛场电影节在西班牙北部7月9日2010年牛市。Spanish matador Oliva Soto stares at a bull during a bullfight during the San Fermin festival at Pamplona's bullring in northern Spain on July 9, 2010.