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根管治疗!Root canal.

台南市运河。Canal of Tainan City.

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该运河阻塞不通。The canal is blocked.

他们在挖掘一条水渠。They are cutting a canal.

联编的联盟运河边。Union canal side of link.

一座桥横跨在运河之上。A bridge arches the canal.

到的,你在水渠街下车便行。Yes. You get off at Canal St.

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大渠决了口子。The canal has burst its banks.

红旗渠纪念馆。The Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall.

小船稳稳地顺着运河突突地航行。The boat chugged along the canal.

小船稳稳地顺著运河突突地航行。The boat chugged along the canal.

你船将在协调世界时1200时进运河。You will enter canal at 1200 UTC.

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不要把拭子插入耳道。Do not insert swab into ear canal.

这就是红旗渠精神吧?That is the Red Flag Canal spirit?

巴拿马运河连通两大洋。The Panama Canal joins two oceans.

他们能疏导大自然的力量。They can canal the natural forces.

根管治疗?他是用什么来做的?Root canal? What did he use to open?

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这就是红旗渠的分水闸。This is the sluice gate of the canal.

将加过温的药液滴入外耳道。Drop warm ear drops in external canal.

他患了消化道疾病。He had the disease of alimentary canal.