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宇宙的微不足道打击了我们。Cosmic two-by-fours whack us.

这就是在宇宙尺度范围内的“撞了就跑”。IT'S hit-and-run on a cosmic scale.

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王铭1973年完成的作品“宇宙蝴蝶”Wang Ming's Cosmic Butterfly, 1973.

江恩理论所说的宇宙振动?The cosmic vibrations of Gann theory?

行星是由宇宙尘形成的。Planets were formed out of cosmic dust.

Elenin是一个非常危险的天体。Elenin is a very dangerous cosmic object.

难道这一切只是宇宙巧合吗?Is this all just some cosmic coincidence?

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这是一个很广的概念,这儿有一个格式塔现象。This is very cosmic. There is a gestalt here.

宇宙暴胀理论的唯象描述。A Phenomenological Theory of Cosmic Inflation.

没有超宇宙的秩序或力量的存在。There's no transcendent cosmic order or power.

妈妈咪呀,你赢得了老天的爱情大奖!Mama mia, you have won the cosmic love lottery!

这点在宇宙的发展过程中基本上没有变。They're sort of locked in this cosmic struggle.

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对于我们的设备来说,宇宙射线也是一个威胁。For our technology, cosmic rays are a menace too.

从某种意义上讲,他们似乎是宇宙人。It's as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings.

这种辐射可能成为宇宙线的一个源。This radiation possibly is a source of cosmic rays.

宇宙烟火和惊奇的烟云。See photos of cosmic pyrotechnics and amazing nebulas.

这是一个个人清理和宇宙净化的时机。This is a time of personal and cosmic spring-cleaning.

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由于直立的特性,宇宙之树被人性化。Through its verticality, the cosmic tree is humanized.

吠陀历法是建立在宇宙周期,或者说是年代之上。The Vedic calendar is based on cosmic cycles, or Yugas.

我只想把这样玄奥的问题,送进茫茫的太空。I just wanna send this cosmic question out into the void.