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这是一种寄生植物。Mistletoe is a parasite plant.

什么是最有韧劲白勺寄生物?What is the most resilient parasite?

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那懒汉是家里的寄生虫。The lazy man was a parasite on his family.

肥大细胞在蛙抗寄生虫感染中可能发挥着重要作用。MC played a part in anti-infection of parasite.

松材线虫是一种松树寄生虫。Pine wood nematode is a parasite of pine trees.

寄生虫的碎裂可能导致过敏反应。Rupture of the parasite may result in anaphylaxis.

这种疾病是由某某寄生虫引起的。The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite.

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这些病是由硝呋莫司寄生虫引起的。The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite.

有奥特我们共同的贪婪寄生虫。Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite.

持续使用还能阻止这种寄生虫的传播。Used consistently, it can stop transmission of the parasite.

弓形体寄生虫和疟疾寄生虫很像。The toxo parasite is similar to the one that causes malaria.

那就像挂在翻车鱼身上的寄生虫一样。And it just so happens that's a parasite hanging off the Mola.

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我们不过是镜里自己形象的寄生物。And we are just the parasite of the self-images in ther mirror.

恐惧和贪婪使太空船成员受到外星寄生虫的威胁。Fear and greed expose the spaceship crew to an alien parasite.

疟疾是由称为疟原虫的一种单细胞寄生虫造成的。Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called a Plasmodium.

性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。An organism that can live either independently or as a parasite.

他们两一起嘲笑艾萨克说他是他父母的寄生虫。Both of them mocked Isaac that he was a parasite on his parents.

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这种寄生植物所带来的危害对干旱贫壤的土地尤为严重。Damage from the parasite is worst in dry soil with low fertility.

这种寄生虫会感染整个大脑,特别是扁桃核。The parasite infects the whole brain, but especially the amygdala.

例如,最大的问题就是瓦螨—一种致死性寄生虫。A big problem, for example, is the varroa mite, a deadly parasite.