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石敢当欣喜异常照做。Stone do I dare joy anomaly.

该数据不包含异常情况。The data did contain an anomaly.

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豁嘴的猴子是异常的东西。A harelipped monkey is an anomaly.

但是也不能认为这个数据是反常的。But don’t think the scores are an anomaly.

但是科学家被一个反常现象所困扰。But scientists had been baffled by an anomaly.

随文并讨论彼得氏异常的病理成因。The pathogenesis of Peters' anomaly is also discussed.

该地区的铬铁矿异常属于矿致异常。Local chromite anomaly caused mineral anomaly in this area.

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染色体异常与不良生育史有关系。Chromosomal anomaly are associated with abnormal childbearing.

激进伊斯兰组织青年党人和总统是一样的政治异态。The Shabab are as much of a political anomaly as the president.

南太平洋磁异常区一直以十足的讨厌鬼著称。The South Atlantic Anomaly is well known as a thorough nuisance.

下腔静脉重复畸形是一种罕见的先天性血管发育变异。The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly.

所有外显的正常操作的数据都显示很不正常。Any data points outside of normal operations appeared as an anomaly.

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出露于起伏地面的密度体异常的解释。Interpretation of anomaly due to a body exposed in the relief surface.

手术及经导管栓塞皆是治疗此先天性疾病的选择。Both surgery and coil embolism are options for correcting this anomaly.

达拉的军衔在男性占支配地位的帝国军界是个特例。Daala's rank is an anomaly in the predominantly male Imperial military.

经过大量的调查之后,他的结论是这个物体是异常的雪云。After extensive investigation, he concluded the anomaly was a snow cloud.

三是正常和不正规渠道进口猪肉弥补市场缺口。The third, regular and anomaly meat import can make up the market defect.

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提出了基于信息熵的大规模网络流量异常检测方法。This paper presents a new method of network-wide traffic anomaly detection.

西北太平洋海表温度月距平优势期的分析。Analysis of predominant period of monthly anomaly in the north-west pacific.

她性格中不同寻常之处是她又为人直爽,却又小心谨慎。The anomaly in her personality is that she is both outgoing and circumspect.