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排骨汆水后以冷水洗净备用。Wash and scald spare ribs.

脸被烟头烫伤了该怎么办?。Face by butt scald how should do?

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用沸水烫洗一下这些针,消一下毒。Scald the needles to sterilize them.

茄子过油要注意的事!How do you scald eggplants in hot oil?

把广口瓶烫一下然后装入果酱。Scald the jars and then fill with the jam.

这种软膏能使烫伤痊愈。This kind of ointment will heal the scald.

小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam.

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掀笼屉时小心热气嘘着手。Don't scald your hands when you open the steamer.

冷却液是在压力作用下,可以烫伤你。The coolant is under pressure and could scald you.

如果手烫伤了有什么偏方可以治疗?If hand scald what folk prescription can be treated?

排骨放入滚水内川烫,捞起沥干水份。Scald pork ribs with boiling water, remove and drain.

瘦肉洗净飞水,以水冲洗净,沥水,备用。Wash lean pork. Scald in boiling water and rinse. Drain.

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猪肉洗净沥乾,切成2吋方块,汆水备用。Wash and dry pork. Cut into 2"x2" cubes. Scald in hot water.

小孩子被摩托车排气管烫伤了小鸡鸡怎么办?Dot by autocycle vent-pipe scald how does chickling chicken do?

鸡去掉内脏,洗净,飞水,沥乾水份。Discard the innards of the chicken. Rinse well. Scald and drain.

本机器专用夹链条烫在平膜上。This machine only uses zipper strip to scald it on the flat film.

将响螺去壳、去肠,洗净后用热水烫过。De-shell and remove entrails of conch, clean and scald in hot water.

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另有祖传秘方治疗烧、烫伤,有奇效。Also the ancestral secret formulas are very good at burning and scald.

鱆鱼用热水烚至半熟,切成1厘米厚块状。Scald octopus in hot water until half done. Cut into 1cm thick slices.

他一看到她就像被开水烫了似的整个人蜷缩起来。He saw her as if she were boiled water scald the whole person curled up.