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华尔街崩溃的状况不能更糟了。The scale of the Wall Street crackup could scarcely be more gargantuan.

但是一个有5英寸屏幕的手机,它的巨大笨拙无疑看起来糟透了。But with its 5-inch display, the gargantuan Streak is awfully big for a phone.

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但由于其巨大的能源消耗,也不算是什么妙招。But thanks to its gargantuan energy consumption, that's no silver bullet either.

看庞大的勾形的手指,拖拽那高尚之肉体,将那最微之卑劣也弄脏。See gargantuan hooked fingers Pluck in supreme flesh To smutch supreme littleness.

这条大狗来自新奥尔良的主人应该省着点用。Perhaps this gargantuan pooch's owner from New Orleans should go easy on the treats?

微小的型号能用于侦察,而巨型版本可充当移动机甲。Tiny models could be used as spies while gargantuan versions served as mobile armor.

只有2亿5000万年前史上空前的二叠纪大灭绝盖过这次灭绝。The die-off was surpassed only by the gargantuan Permian extinction 250 million years ago.

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发自中国永定—这些极具代表性的巨大建筑被印在中国的邮票上。YONGDING, China — The gargantuan buildings are so iconic that they appear on a Chinese stamp.

两性人轻轻抚摸着他们巨大主人的眉毛,将被汗水浸湿的头涪捋到后面。The hermaphrodite stroked the brow of their gargantuan master pushing back his sweat-damp hair.

就如看一座山,站到山脚,满眼尽是山,那么感受到的是它的巍峨。As see a hill, stand to the foot of the mountain, the eyeful is, then feel is the gargantuan it.

因为它甜,可以舔着吃,还五颜六色的,并且那根小木棒对于大部分人来说都很轻便。They're sweet, colorful, lickable and a manageably small snack in an age of gargantuan portions.

因为它甜,可以舔着吃,还五颜六色的,并且那根小木棒对于大部分人来说都很轻便。They’re sweet, colorful, lickable and a manageably small snack in an age of gargantuan portions.

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“没有没有,”瑞克心虚的回答,而勒荣转动了那硕大无朋的轮子让船进入既定航线。No-no-no, " Rick responded weakly, as Lron spun the gargantuan wheel and the ship took up its approach."

嘉年华酒吧出售的饮料是如此巨大以至于只能用水烟袋大小的杯子装,用皮带系在你脖子上。The Carnaval Bar sells drinks so gargantuan that the hookah-sized glasses attach to your neck with a leash.

同时盟军集结了大批的海军舰艇,从战列舰、驱逐舰到登陆艇、小船。The Allies assembled a gargantuan naval armada, from battleships and destroyers to landing craft and coasters.

有趣的是,有时这些庞大的努力甚至不会被正确的看待,它可能使工程看起来很糟。Interestingly, sometimes these gargantuan efforts aren't even tracked properly, as it would make the project look bad.

甚至庞大的米提亚人也无法击败他,希腊的殖民地爱奥尼亚也遭受了和小亚细亚一样的命运。Even the gargantuan Medes could not defeat them and the Greeks of Ionia suffered the same fate as the rest of Asia Minor.

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就在上上周,这部电影的网络游戏已经在全球突破了20亿的巅峰。The weekend before last, this gargantuan video game of a movie crashed through the two-billion-dollar barrier, worldwide.

短暂的夏天也是人们作出巨大努力为冬天到来做好准备的时光。The short summer is also a time when gargantuan efforts are made to ensure that the region is ready for the onset of winter.

上图是通过电子邮件发送的名为大力士的巨犬的图片,据说它是世界上最大狗的吉尼斯纪录保持者。Emailed image of a gargantuan dog named Hercules, purportedly the Guinness Record holder for World’s Biggest Dog. And it said