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可怕的沉默、你说话结结巴巴、你无法回答一个特别困难的问题。You stumble over your words. You flub a tough question.

更令人不安的是,她说,Google的搞得不好将可能对于未来的预警。More troubling, she said, is what Google’s flub may portend for the future.

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你能解释为什么美国最高法院首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨可能犯的错上宣誓就职。Would you explain how chief justice John Roberts could flub the oath of office.

您的作品特别的“静”,您做到了没有喧闹或者哗众取宠。Your work is especially "quiet", you have achieved to keep away from the blatancy and flub dub.

苹果首席执行官,两种产品的发布人,史蒂夫·乔布斯在周三的活动中承认了iPhone的这个缺憾。Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who unveiled both products, made a nod to the iPhone flub at Wednesday's event.

求职者往往还会经常地将简历发送至同一家公司的多个招聘经理,效果也很糟糕。Job hunters also regularly flub by submitting their resumes to multiple recruiters and hiring managers at a single firm.

美国政府当时宣称,对中国大使馆的轰炸是无意的和标示错误的结果。The U. S. government declared that the bombing of the Chinese embassy was unintentional and the result of a targeting flub.

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到是2004年NASA发射的机器人与卫星会合时搞砸了,造成了一起主动碰撞事故。但被撞的卫星未受损伤。And a NASA flub of a robot rendezvous in 2004 resulted in the active satellite accidentally hitting — but not damaging — its target satellite.

他已经把投球进篮的动作练得如此协调,以至于要投错哪怕一个球都得下好大功夫才行。He had been so conditioned to put that ball through the hoop that it took all of his concentration and a good deal of practice to flub even one.

她在华盛顿特区给美国国家黑人记者协会和美国国家拉美裔记者协会成员发表演讲时出现了口误。The flub came as she addressed the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists in Washington, DC.

每次面试中城市有没有预料到的时刻。默然令人尴尬。你语无伦次,对疑难问题一筹莫展。In every interview, there comes a moment that doesn't go according to plan. There's an awkward silence. You stumble over your words. You flub a tough question.

在描述银河系中的角色时,作者情愿在某些方面含糊其词,也不要画蛇添足造成与正史的冲突。By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception , rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub.