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两匹白马拖着一辆公共马车从那街口经过。An omnibus with two white horses passed the end of the street.

共有2584名英国成年人参与了该在线调查。Pollsters TNS Omnibus surveyed 2,584 adults in England online.

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这比omnibus服务在那出现早了一半时间。That’s half the time it took the omnibus service to arrive there.

众议院批准2009财政年度的综合议案后,还要提交给参议院进行表决。House approval of the 2009 omnibus bill will send the legislation to the Senate for a vote.

每台机组母线通过各自的母线洞与主变压器连接。The omnibus bar of each set is connected with main transformer through its omnibus bar cave.

和以往一样,关于美国农业部如何实施这项综合性的农业法案,农业州的立法委员将有最终发言权。Farm-state lawmakers, as usual, will have the final say on how USDA implements the omnibus farm bill.

那只是一辆冬季旅游旅馆的大客车,把几个客人送到那儿看我们被淹死。That's just a winter resort hotel omnibus that has brought over some of the boarders to see us drown.

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厦门大学建于1921年,现已发展成为我国重点综合性大学。Xiamen university was built 1921, already developed now make our country focal point omnibus university.

“青年音乐会”等节目,使“严肃”音乐变得富有刺激性和逸趣横生,不再神秘。On TV with Omnibus and Young People's Concerts, he demystified serious music, making it exciting and fun.

根据陆军模拟、训练和仪器的指挥统括合同,SAIC接受了此项订单。SAIC received the award under the Army’s Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command Omnibus Contract.

斐利亚·福克坐的车厢是一种加长的车厢。这一节客车的底盘是由两节各有四个车轮的车架联结成的。The car which he occupied was a sort of long omnibus on eight wheels, and with no compartments in the interior.

单词传播的速度比任何都快,只用3年omnibus就在伦敦生根。Word travels fast—faster than public transit anyway—and it only took 3 years for the word omnibus to arrive in London.

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那些被新的竞争威胁的人们可以先于国会带来混合议案,但是不能保证通过。Those threatened by the new competition could bring omnibus bills before the Congress but could not secure their passage.

12月15日,我和国会达成了包括多项内容的一个预算协议,这也是八年来我取得的最后一次大的立法战胜利。On December 15, I reached an omnibus budget agreement with Congress, the last major legislative victory of my eight years.

第一份混合议案出现时,乔治·安杰尔作为改革运动中的首例,是第四个C。When the first omnibus bills began to appear, George T. Angell represented the prime example of crusading, the fourth "C."

但是国会提出的主要立法包含食品饮料药品的混合议案更为复杂。Mainstream legislation proposed in the Congress, however, was complex, omnibus bills encompassing food and drink and drugs.

介绍玻璃纤维增强塑料在大客车造型设计上的应用及其制造工艺的发展趋势。The application of GFRP in the technology design of omnibus and the development trend on this field are introduced in detail.

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而网易是一家综合性的网络公司,它可以接受部分业务不赚钱,而在其他方面获得更多的机遇。And Netease is an omnibus network company, it can accept partial business not to make money, and more opportunity are gained in other side.

该合同根据MCSC商业企业综合支援服务一揽子采购协议签订,于2006年被授予。The award falls under the MCSC Commercial Enterprise Omnibus support services blanket purchase agreement, which was awarded to Stanley in 2006.

由于管辖权方面的问题,这一事项将会归入公共汽车能源法案中,而不会归入新的农业法案中。This issue could become part of the emerging omnibus energy bill rather than part of the new farm bill, due largely to jurisdictional problems.