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因为这个原因,卡蒂萨克号失去了领先的地位。Because of this, the Cutty Sark lost her lead.

“卡蒂萨克”号是帆船制造史上建造的最快的一艘帆船。The Cutty Sark was one the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built.

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卡帝萨克号是帆船建造史上最快的一艘帆船。The Cutty Sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built.

“卡蒂萨克”号是帆船制造史上建造的最快的一艘帆船。The Cutty Sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built.

蒂萨克号向两侧摇晃着,驾驶这只船是不可能的了。The Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her.

此地也保存了曾经为最快速的帆船「短衬衫号」,同时也是国家海事博物馆的所在地。Greenwich is also home to the famous tea clipper the Cutty Sark and the national Maritime Museum.

尽管换舵时争分夺秒,但她要想赢得比赛已经不可能了。Thoug the new rudder was fitted at a tremendous speed , it was impossible for the Cutty Sark to win.

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十九世纪最著名的帆船之一“卡提‘萨克“号仍然可以在格林威治看到。One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century , the Cutty Sark, can still be seen at Greenwich.

“卡蒂萨克”号之类的帆船被用来从中国运回茶叶,从澳大利亚运回羊毛。Before they were replaced by steamships, sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.

在蒸气船取代帆船之前,“卡蒂萨克”号之类的帆船被用来从中国运回茶叶,从澳大利亚运回羊毛。Before they were re- placed by steam-ships, sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.

目前该全新产品已经来到了东莞,并且在极短的时间里在东莞市场上掀起了一股睡眠变革旋风。This are at present brand -new the product has come to Dongguan, and a Morpheus was lifted on Dongguan market in cutty time change tornado.

我这时才看到她剪了一头极短的头发,灯光照射出混血女子的立体轮廓。I just penetrate by this time she mow a pate of cutty cilia, the light projects light upon the stereoscopic profile of a half-blooded woman.

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比赛开始后,“塞姆皮雷号”率先抵达爪哇岛,但在印度洋上,“卡蒂萨克号”驶到了前面。The first of the two ships to reach Java after the face had begun was the Thermopylae but on the Indian Ocean, the Cutty Sark took the lead.

19世纪的帆船“卡蒂萨克”号由于在07年的一场大火中被严重烧毁,目前正在伦敦东部进行大规模的重修。The 19th-Century sailing ship, the Cutty Sark, has been undergoing extensive renovation work in east London since being ravaged by a fire in 2007.

尽管换上新舵时分秒必争,但“卡萨萨克”号已经不可能取胜了。它抵达英国时比“赛母皮雷”号晚了一个星期。Though the new rudder was fitted at tremendous speed, it was impossible for the Cutty Sark to win. She arrived in England a week after the Thermopylae.