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更改虚拟机监控程序防火墙规则Altering hypervisor firewall rules

向管理程序注册虚拟机。Registering the virtual machine to the hypervisor.

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管理程序是一个平台虚拟化软件。The hypervisor is a platform-virtualization software.

每个节点控制器中,都有管理程序运行。In every node controller, there is a hypervisor running.

但是实际上,是系统管理程序为它们制造了这种假象。But in reality, the hypervisor provides them with this illusion.

所有这些都是预先安装的,并且随时可以部署到管理程序。All are pre-installed and ready to be deployed into a hypervisor.

无论如何,任何一种管理程序的基本结果是一样的。Regardless, the basic outcome of any kind of hypervisor is the same.

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四个虚拟映像的虚拟网络接口卡都在管理程序中定义。The vNICs for all four virtual images are defined in the hypervisor.

在RTS虚拟机管理程序的版本R4.3已经发布实时系统。Version R4.3 of the RTS hypervisor has been released by Real-Time Systems.

例如,虚拟监管系统可能会限制虚拟机系统对内存的访问。For example, the hypervisor might limit a virtual system's access to memory.

将各个虚拟映像模板复制到对应的管理程序。Copying the respective virtual image template to the corresponding hypervisor.

操作系统必须移植以运行在泛虚拟的hypervisor之上。Operating systems must be ported to run on top of a paravirtualized hypervisor.

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从一个设备中,您可以管理并部署到这两种管理程序平台。From a single appliance, you can manage and deploy to both hypervisor platforms.

与其他独立的系统管理程序解决方案相比,这种方法是一种不会过时的技术。This tends to future-proof the approach over other, independent hypervisor solutions.

准虚拟化与之类似,但是系统管理程序会以一种更具协作性的方式进行操作。Para-virtualization is similar, but the hypervisor operates in a more cooperative fashion.

虚拟池指的是管理程序所管理的全部资源或者部分资源。A virtual pool represents all resources or a part of the resources managed by a hypervisor.

虚拟机监控程序提供的隔离是它们在这个领域获得成功的一个关键因素。The isolation that the hypervisor provides is a key attribute to their success in this domain.

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显然,如果关心的是性能,那么最好是处理虚拟机监控程序级别上的防火墙。Clearly, dealing with the firewall on the hypervisor level is preferred if you care about performance.

管理程序的安全性很重要,因为它分隔多个独立的客户操作系统。The security of the hypervisor is crucial, as it isolates multiple independent guest operating systems.

设置您的私有云的下一步是将您新创建的系统管理程序添加到一个云组。The next step in setting up your private cloud is to add your newly created hypervisor to a cloud group.