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没有发生死亡或明显的神经后遗症。There were no deaths or apparent neurologic sequelae.

早期的后遗症包括在各种平面的截肢。Early sequelae included amputations at a variety of levels.

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脑脊髓炎患者病情重,可导致死亡或遗留神经系统症状。Patients with ence phalo-myelitis may die or have neurologic sequelae.

病患成功地被急救及恢复而且没有任何后遗症。The patient was successfully resuscitated and recovered without sequelae.

非典过后,大部分人都忘记这些非典后遗症患者了,也很少关心他们的生活。After the SARS, most of people forget the Sequelae of SARS and seldom care about them.

有1例内固定失败,2例患者出现一过性神经后遗症。There was 1 failure of fixation, and 2 patients developed transient neurologic sequelae.

急性代谢异常和神经学的病变往往造成严重的后遗症。The acute metabolic decompensation and neurological deterioration attribute to severe sequelae.

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由于耽误治疗留下了小儿麻痹后遗症的林海燕是中国队的“神枪手”。Lin Haiyan, who was hit by polio sequelae for delaying cure, is a hero of Chinese shooting team.

通过图表分析是否螺钉位置不良导致术后并发症。Charts were examined to determine if any adverse sequelae had resulted from malpositioned screws.

她在22天后去世,验尸官出具的死亡原因是“氟尿嘧啶毒性后遗症”。She died 22 days later. The coroner gave the cause of death as "sequelae of fluorouracil toxicity".

上述震后状况极有利于传染病的暴发、传播和流行。Such post-earthquake sequelae precipitate the outbreaks, spread and prevalence of infectious diseases.

把中国视为“非市场经济国家”,其实是冷战思维的一种“后遗症”。Actually, it is the sequelae of the cold war thinking to regard China as a 'non-market economy' country.

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目的探讨下肢矫形器对脊髓灰质炎后遗症的康复治疗作用。Objective To study the rehabilitation effect of the lower extremity orthosis on the sequelae of poliomyelitis.

外伤后,牙髓组织的转归可分为牙髓存活、髓腔钙化、牙髓坏死。The sequelae of pulp tissue after dental injuries include pulp survival, pulp calcification and pulp necrosis.

眼创伤在得到合理治疗后仍有很高的残愈率和后遗症发生率。High rate of incomplete recovery and sequelae still exist even after fairly proper treatment of the ocular trauma.

实际上,应该将肺量测定法加入糖尿病及其重要后遗症的监控方法之中。Indeed, it's time to add the spirometer to the tools available for monitoring diabetes and its important sequelae.

偶尔会出现严重渐进性肺炎或肺炎治疗无效,在极少数情况下还可发生大脑后遗症。In rare occasions, severe progressive pneumonia or ineffective treatment for pneumonia can result brain in sequelae.

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疼痛性感觉是脊髓损伤后截瘫和四肢瘫患者所面临的一个经常性的和令人烦恼的后遗症。Painful sensations are a frequent and troublesome sequelae of paraplegia and quadriplegia following spinal cord injury.

然而到目前还没有观察脊髓尺寸大小对KFS病人神经结局方面的研究。No study to date, however, has examined the role of spinal cord size as a contributing factor to neurologic sequelae in KFS.

我们报告两个因车祸导致的外伤性窒息的个案报告,经治疗后没有皮肤或全身性的后遗症。We reported two cases of traumatic asphyxia following traffic accident that recovered without cutaneous or systemic sequelae.