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这样哨位机枪塔就不会向任何一位身着徽章的人开火。The sentry guns will not fire at anyone wearing a badge transponder.

这样,低功耗优化就成为无源射频识别标签设计中的一个核心问题。Thus, it makes low-power optimization a kernel faced in RFID transponder design.

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电子标签能够通过负载调制向阅读器反馈信息。The transponder sends data back to the interrogator by load modulation technology.

本文研究了存在上行干扰时透明转发器卫星通信系统的性能。The robustness of transparent transponder satcom to uplink jamming is investigated.

应答器工作所需的能量,如同时钟脉冲和数据一样,是通过耦合单元传输给应答器的。The power that transponder need is come from coupling unit like clock pulse and data.

发生遇险或紧急状态时,应将应答机编码放置A7700。The code of transponder shall be set to A7700 in case of distress or emergency situation.

它将配备一个“特制应答机”,能够发现应急信标的信号。It will have a "special transponder" that will be able to find signals from emergency beacons.

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你从圣迭戈直飞阿图岛的全程都不离开这种应答器的范围。You could fly from San Diego to Attu Island without ever being out of touch with a transponder.

布放于海底的单只应答器能够为安装有超短基线的水下潜器定位导航。The underwater vehicle with USBL can be navigated by a single transponder moored on the sea floor.

PKE系统源码,包括基站及应答器源码,含电路图。PKE system source code, including base station and transponder code, including the circuit diagram.

研制了一种实用新型的脉冲变送器,主要电路部件为555集成定时器。A new kind of practical Pulse conversion transponder has been developed, which based on 555 timing IC.

船舶相对独立定位系统是由一个声学换能器和转发器衡量ROV位置。The relative separation of the vessel and ROV is measured with an acoustic transducer and transponder.

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研究了有干扰时透明转发器卫星通信系统中的互调分量。It is studied that intermodulation products of transparent transponder satcom system with interference.

飞机的应答机用代码信息来回复地面空管站的询问。The aircraft's transponder replies with coded information to interrogation from the ground ATC station.

异步应答激光测距可实现卫星距离及星地时差测量。The asynchronous laser transponder can greatly enhance the functional distance of the satellite laser ranging.

最后,对脉冲雷达应答机智能化测试方法与经典测试方法进行了比较。Finally, intellectualized test method of pulse radar transponder is compared with traditional one in this thesis.

经营品种有生产门锁坯、家具锁坯、防盗锁坯、汽车锁坯和各种汽车芯片钥匙。Manufacture all kids of key blanks. including various house keys, safe keys, automobile keys, and transponder keys.

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他可以,当然,首先解锁和启动你的车,然后作为一个转发器支付通行费,或购买汽油。It would, of course, unlock and start your car, then serve as a transponder for paying tolls , or for buying gasoline.

对话锁识别系统和锁系统是以发射机应答器技术为核心内容的电子控制系统。Dialock identification and locking system is a electronic control system which uses transponder technology as its core.

介绍了射频识别技术的系统基本原理,还介绍了射频标签在国内外物流管理领域中的广泛应用。This paper also introduces the theory of RFID technology, and recommends the wide applications of RFID Transponder at home and abroad.