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也很民族主义,这是说得通的。that makes sense that they feel nationalistic about it.

当事情不顺利的时候,多数人会变得民族主义。When things don't go well, most people become nationalistic.

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这种民族主义情绪在金融危机之后更加强烈了。Such nationalistic sentiments got a boost after the financial crisis.

为什么中国人的民族主义应该被贬斥?Why should the nationalistic sentiments of the Han people be reviled?

亨廷顿提出,阿拉伯土地上的人民从本质上讲并不崇尚民族主义。He argued that people in Arab lands are intrinsically not nationalistic.

而Canfield,Fisher让他呈现的,都是一些国内作家。What Canfield Fisher asks him to present is a totally nationalistic one.

这导致,人们的观点趋向偏激,经常是很民族主义的观点。As a result, people tend to develop very polarized, often very nationalistic views.

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民族主义情绪空前高涨,政客和利益团体可能利用民族情绪以达到自己的目的。Nationalistic sentiment is strong, and politicians and interest groups can exploit it.

所以这十分民族主义,这将演变成仇外、种族主义。本质上,这是很可怕的。So it's very nationalistic which goes into xenophobia, racism. It's horrible, basically.

其国粹主义思想和主张多反映在他的一些地理学著述中。Many of his nationalistic thoughts and assertions were reflected in his works on geography.

这种感觉与其说是民族主义不如说是爱国心。This strain of popular discourse and feeling in China is more patriotic than nationalistic.

张戎还交代说,他无法释放自己,从种的民族主义困境。Jung also confessed that he was not able to free himself from the kind of nationalistic dilemma.

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通过利用王朝力量和民族主义力量,俾斯麦建立了德意志第二帝国。By utilizing the dynastic and the nationalistic force, Bismark founded the second Deutsches Reich.

安倍用民族主义的语调要求采取更强硬的军事手段,并承诺“使其回归日本”。Abe struck a nationalistic tone calling for a stronger military and promising to "take back Japan".

司马迁的经济自由主义是以其国家主义的至治理想为宏旨的。Sima Qian s economic liberalism is based on the keystone of nationalistic ideal of best administration.

这是一篇民族主义的冗长的文章,主张中国应停止贬低自己,抵制对她的批评。It was a nationalistic screed arguing that China should stop debasing itself and stand up to its critics.

第三国际的敌人——军国主义者和民族主义者觉得他们自己受了自由主义的欺骗。The militaristic and nationalistic enemies of the Third International felt themselves cheated by liberalism.

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除了民族主义的激情外,更有甚者,该国人民还有一种无形的自信心和藐视外国事物的情绪。More than nationalistic passion, the people had an invisible self-confidence and contempt for things foreign.

在某些方面,土耳其人让我想起美国人,他们非常好客,但是也有强烈的民族感情。Turks remind me in some ways of Americans in that they are extremely welcoming but also fiercely nationalistic.

尽管充斥着问题和荒谬,其仍然是一个自负和过分民族化的国家。Yet even with these numerous ills and absurdities, it remains an overly proud, fervently nationalistic country.