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我们有布纹的,丝光面的,还有光面的。We have mat, silky and glossy.

这种布具有丝的质地。This cloth has a silky texture.

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喔,那叫做乌骨鸡汤。Oh, it's called silky fowl soup.

德芙妮为谁尽情丝滑?。DE daphne's silky heartily for who?

让你的皮肤光滑,柔细,感觉愉悦。Keep your skin smooth, silky and sensual.

毛厚而长如丝的猎犬。A thickset spaniel with longish silky hair.

而现在,直发则有了丝般的质感,不再扁平单调,变得更加有形了。Now, it's got a silky texture. It's not flat.

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你的丝质睡裙已经被法兰绒睡衣取代了?Have flannel PJs replaced your silky negligees?

我头一次感受到她那温暖而又柔软的触摸。I felt her warm silky touch for the first time.

从头到脚,使你的皮肤柔滑。Leaves your skin soft and silky from head to toe.

外层披毛为波浪状或卷曲,但不能呈丝状。The outer coat is wavy or curly, but never silky.

我们专门出产真空包装乌骨鸡和一般食品。We are specialized in silky fowl and food products.

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头部被长而光滑的顶髻所覆盖。The head is surmounted by a topknot of long silky hair.

醇香丰盈、顺喉、圆浑,带来如丝般感觉。Mellow rich, smooth throat, rounded, bringing silky feel.

一种小狗,具有丝状长而直的白毛。Any of a breed of toy dogs having a long, silky white coat.

让你的肌肤一整天轻爽通透,细腻丝般柔滑。Let your skin a cool day light transparent, delicate silky.

柔顺丝滑,优雅的口感应证了玛哥酒的非凡品质。The texture is silky and elegant, proof of a great Margaux.

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深樱桃红酒色。果香浓郁,柔滑质感。单宁味柔顺。Deep cherry red color. Fruity, silky texture. Supple tannin.

绝不能讯断一只毛质柔嫩如丝也许没有足够底毛的犬胜出。Do not reward a dog with a soft silky coat and no undercoat.

木棉剧团正在茁壮成长,就像美丽坚实的木棉花一样。Kapok is growing strong, just like the sturdy, silky flower.