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田野波尔卡玛祖卡舞曲,作品239,“歌声响起的地方”Polka mazurka champetre, Op. 239, Wo klingen die Lieder.

第二章对李斯特的艺术歌曲作了概括性的描述。The second chapter gives a brief description of List's lieder.

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他还写了三首钢琴奏鸣曲和近两百五十首民谣歌曲。He also wrote three piano sonatas, choral music, and more than 250 lieder.

而与之具有同等价值的艺术歌曲,也是他创作的重要方面。However, what is equally valuable and significant is his creation of lieder.

如果有人在2012年人类注定的命运中逃脱,那这人就是南茜。耐得。If there's one person who may escape what 2012 has in store for humanity, it's Nancy Lieder.

第四章将李斯特艺术歌曲在演唱及教学上谈了些个人感受。The forth chapter is devoted to my personal experience in teaching and performing List's lieder.

第四章将李斯特艺术歌曲在演唱及教学上谈了些个人感受。The forth chapter is devoted to my personal experience in teaching and performing Liszts lieder.

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考虑片刻,我放了点音乐,妈妈的唱片,舒伯特抒情曲,开低了音量。After a moment’s thought I put on the EMI CD of my mother singing Schubert lieder and turn the volume low.

他还为歌剧、著名的交响曲、帕格尼尼随想曲和舒伯特抒情曲谱写钢琴曲。He also made many exuberant piano transcriptions of operas, famous symphonies, Paganini Caprices, and Schubert Lieder.

最终马拉加2-1力克巴拉多利德,取得赛季首个进球的同时收获首场胜利。Final Malaga 2-1 overcome Para multi- Lieder , obtains the season first goal at the same time to harvest the first victory.

她也是一个著名演奏家及艺术歌曲的歌手,并在演奏会和歌剧舞台上都有一个迷人的舞台表现。She was also a celebrated recitalist and lieder singer, and in both recitals and on the opera stage had a charming stage presence.

舒伯特歌曲之所以能超越时空被人们广为咏唱,并推崇为艺术歌曲的典范,自然不乏其深邃的艺术内涵。Regarded as models and beyond the limits of time and space, Schubert's lieder have been extensively admired and performed owing to their profound artistic connotations.

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瓦拉多利德目前2胜4负没有一场平局,上轮虽然主场0-1负于领头羊瓦伦西亚,但是球队从始至终斗志顽强。Waladuo a Lieder present 2 win 4 defeat not tie, previous round, although the main floor 0-1 lose to lead goat Valencia, but the team the fighting spirit is from beginning to end tenacious.