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天鹅、湖面上一抹闪光、Swans, a glint on the surface of a lake

未来总是使我爸爸的眼睛闪闪发光。The future always put a glint in my dad's eyes.

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麦尔斯把装甲还给了你,它看起来比过去更加闪亮。Miles hands your armor back to you, it seems to glint a.

强作笑容离发自内心的微笑只是一线之遥。A required smile is just a glint away from a genuine grin.

他所有的短篇小说均闪烁着揭示心理活动的真知灼见。Profound psychological insights glint throughout the stories.

他起身拉开窗帘,让黎明的翕光射进房间。He stood up and drew the curtains to let in the pale glint of dawn.

托尼眼睛闪着泪花回道,“我就像刚出生的婴儿。”Tony replies with a glint in his eye, 'I feel just like a newborn baby. '

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“不过,我不打算把你还回去。”他说着,眼里闪过促狭的光芒。"I may not give you back, though, " he said with a wicked glint in his eyes.

那人死勾勾地盯着他,身子一动也不动,只有那幽灵般的眼睛轱辘辘地转个不停。The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes.

在正前方,库尔特看到一个闪烁的金色盔甲,它们的首领——凝视着他。In the very front, Kurt spied a glint of gold armor, their leader— staring back at him.

最后映入她眼帘的就是斧头刃闪耀着的阴森白光。The last thing she saw was the glint of the axe blade in the eerie, incandescent light.

树上准备收成的金黄香柿在阳光拂照下,变得耀眼起来。Ready to be harvested, the fragrant, golden persimmons glint in their trees under the sun.

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如同水晶般清澈,其色泽为浅金色并带有一丝琥珀的光泽。气泡非常细腻丰富。As clear as crystal, its colour is pale golden yellow and displays a very light amber glint.

在江对面,预制棚屋的波形铁皮屋顶在正午阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。Across the river, the corrugated-iron roofsof a prefabricated barracks glint in the midday sun.

美国图片。像他平原努力地,银色马刺在引导摔角运动员科蒂搏斗闪烁经过这污垢的夏延河。As he lands hard, silver spurs on steer wrestler Coty Battles glint through the dirt of Cheyenne.

猫咪的草丛也不期而至,虽然也就一英尺宽,它的茎秆却可以长到两米,串串种子在阳光下闪着银绿色的光芒。Though only a foot across, its stalks rise two metres. Seed wisps glint silvery green in the sun.

他很漂亮,在你走近他时,你会看见他的眼睛里闪着光。He really is a handsome beast though, there's always a bit of a glint in his eye when you go near him.

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他的目光含蓄儿童时代的欢笑,他的头发受着日光的闪射。His eyes still held the glad laughter of childhood, and his hair had the glint of the sunshine's kiss.

在杂志上面,米隆找到了一个发光的小卡片,好像是用来做书签的。On the top of the magazine Myron spotted a glint of silver. A paper clip was being used as a bookmark.

士兵感到自己稍稍放松了些,那种凝视着他紧绷目光的熟悉而坚强的眼神释去了他的疑虑。The soldier felt himself relax slightly, reassured by the familiar, steely glint in his charge's gaze.