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她的名字叫凯茜。Her name is Cathy.

我当卡西的女傧相。I was bridesmaid to Cathy.

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我死之前能为凯茜做些什么呢?What can I do for Cathy before I die?

明天早上凯茜阿姨要回来了。Aunt Cathy will be back tomorrow moring.

有我的小凯茜,我非常幸福。I've been very happy with my little Cathy.

开始凯茜没给我添什么麻烦。Cathy did not cause me any trouble at first.

然后,他们一起抚养女儿凯西。Together, they raised their daughter, Cathy.

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我们去见客户,但是凯希没有去。We went to meet the customer, but Cathy didn't.

凯西的同事都知道她是个大嘴巴。Cathy is known to her co-workers as a big mouth.

凯蒂搬来一个脚凳,拿着自己的茶杯,走到他身边去。Cathy carried a footstool and her cup to his side.

凯希要了火鸡,凯尔温要了水壶。Cathy kept the turkey while Kevin kept the kettle.

把这些票子给约翰,或凯茜,或随便谁。Give these tickets to John, or Cathy , or whoever.

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她交给我一封信要我带给凯茜·希斯克利夫。She handed me a letter to give to Cathy Heathcliff.

凯瑟.斯蒂文.英语专业一年级二班的.Cathy Stevens, an English major of Class 2, Grade 1.

凯茜在城里时在金夫人家搭伙。Cathy is boarding with Mrs King while she's in town.

凯茜后来成为一位眼科外科医生。Cathy later went on to become an ophthalmic surgeon.

我答应带给凯茜一些这种香茶。I've promised to take Cathy some of this delicious tea.

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凯瑟琳很不满意地坐下来,他在她身旁半躺着。Badly satisfied, Cathy sat down, and he reclined beside her.

凯蒂哈泽一直担任专业超过20年的职业演员。Cathy Haase has been acting professionally for over 20 years.

约翰逊非常喜欢看电视,他的妹妹凯希也是。Johnson likes watching TV very much. So does his sister Cathy.