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去年何华德政府推出了消费税。Last year the Howard government introduced the GST.

将此TESTIN片段引入GST基因融合系统成功的进行了表达。This TESTIN fragment was inserted in frame into GST gene fusion system.

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请问你会增加去外国销费或网上销费以减少付销费税?。Will you increase purchase from other countries or internet to avoid paying GST?

假如商品及销售税会退还旅客,会对旅游业没有影响。B8 There is no impact on tourism under the implementation of GST with refund to the tourist.

经超声波破碎菌体释放目蛋白,并用GST亲和层析进一步纯化得到目的蛋白。The target proteins were released from the cells by sonication and further purified with GST column.

有些项目不具备商品及服务税,这些包括银行费用及住宅租金。There are some items that do not have GST and these include bank fees and residential rental payments.

GST是一较特异的肝功指标,有助于肝实质损害的预后判断。GST was a more specific index of liver function and useful to determine the prognosis of liver diseases.

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政府预计增加10亿令吉,年收入一年后引入商品及服务税。The government expects an additional RM1 billion in annual revenue one year after the GSt is introduced.

如果香港政府实施销售税同时减低利得税或薪俸税,你会怎麽样?。If Hong Kong Government reduces the profit tax rate or salaries tax rate accompany GST. What will you do?

本文就CYP2E1和GST基因多态性与DMF的代谢及毒性的关系进行综述。This paper briefly reviews the impact of the genotypes of CYP2E1, GST on the metabolism and toxicity of DMF.

为了确定这个相互作用,我们构建了能表达带有GST和His6标签的全长Arx的原核表达质粒。To confirm this interaction, we expressed full-length of mouse Arx tagged with either His6 or GST in bacteria.

请问你知道政府实施销售税时有可能会减低薪俸税和利得税的税率?。Do you know that the government may decrease the salaries tax rate and profit tax rate to reduce the impact of GST?

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烯啶虫胺对抗吡虫啉棉蚜的羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶及谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶的抑制作用较小。Nitenpyram showed little effect on the activities of CarE, GST and AChE of the imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphid.

选择要素如大米,食糖,食油,面粉和国内运输不会受到商品及服务税。Selected essentials like rice, sugar, cooking oil, flour and domestic transportation would not be subjected to GST.

结论GST可通过酪氨酸激酶途径抑制豚鼠结肠平滑肌L型钙通道。CONCLUSION GST can block L-type calcium channel activity in guinea-pig colon smooth muscle cells via tyrosine kinase pathway.

细胞色素P450和谷胱甘肽S转移酶是二组参于抗肿瘤药物和致癌剂代谢的重要酶系。Cytochrome P450 and GST are two important complex gene families of enzymes that metabolize therapeutic drugs and carcinogens.

讲座中的材料也是平日作帐和保存记录很好的样本。And the materials used in this session can be a good example of how to keep finanical records and calculate GST in your business.

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广义S变换具有多分辨率特性,利用其高质量的时频分布,在时频域中设计了两种时频滤波器。GST provides multiresolution analysis. Two time-frequency filters based on its excellent time-frequency distribution are presented.

模型信号的仿真发现,广义S变换具有更加优越和灵活可调的时频聚集性能。The results in the simulation of signal model demonstrate that GST is more adaptive with more excellent time-frequency localization.

为了研究PRAK在细胞内的确切功能,我们利用GST-PRAK作为诱饵,通过T7噬菌体展示系统进行了筛选。To investigate the function of PRAK in vivo, a GST fusion protein of PRAK was used as a bait and screened through T7 phage display system.