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我的头发粘在一起了。My hair matted together.

她正在梳理她那乱蓬蓬的头发。She is combing her matted hair.

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那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。The dog's fur was matted with blood.

动物纤维制成的纤维。A fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers.

愚痴的人,你戴发结有何用?What is the use of your matted hair, O witless man?

头发的纠结与暗淡同样辅助了这种效果。That the hair is stringy and matted also helps here.

他们的身体披着厚厚的、乱蓬蓬的棕黑色皮毛。Their bodies are covered with thick, matted black-brown fur.

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他把一片干草黏在乱蓬蓬的头发上,返回村庄。He stuck a blade of dry grass in his matted hair and went back.

并非由于发结、或种族、或阶级而令人成为婆罗门。Not by matted hair, nor by lineage, nor by birth does one become a holy man.

卡拉抬起头,松散的头发像一篷乱草。Carla looked up from her desk, her hair hanging like a matted displaced doll.

露茜离开的时候,她的室友路易斯还在她们有六张榻榻米草垫的房间的床上。Her roommate Louise was still in bed in their six-tatami matted room when Lucie left.

比赛场边界内一公尺,铺上不同颜色的垫子。The one metre border should be in a different colour from the rest of the matted area.

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黑胡桃亚光漆,豪华美观,高雅温馨。雕刻着精致的花瓶。It has black walnut matted paint, luxury beauty, elegant feel with delicate vase engraving.

被冬天枷锁了的灵魂,和被束掩的棉花一样舒展开来。Spirits cabined and confined by winter expanded like matted cotton wadding fluffed out again.

爬到山脊不远处,我在野鹿卧在软草上压成的一个圆圆的草垫前停下。Up near the ridge I stop at a circle where the deer have matted the soft grass into a cushion.

小明骑马到山顶,他的兽皮衣服沾满了之前留下的血迹。Mignon rides to the top of the hill, his fur matted with the blood of those that fell before him.

我们排着队静静地走进边境移民办公室,在铺着灯心草席的地板上盘腿坐下。In silence we filedsintosthe border immigration office and sat cross-legged on the rush- matted floor.

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等他到家时,奶酪全都搞坏了,一部分掉在路上了,一部分粘在头发上了。By the time he got home the cheese was all spoilt, part of it being lost, and part matted with his hair.

一名犯人拿出他的钝头小剪刀,给它修剪身上的芒刺和纠缠的毛团。One prisoner brought out his small, blunt-tipped scissors, and trimmed burrs and matted fur from his coat.

她每星期天都来这儿亲近白色紫罗兰、麝香野蔷薇、粉色桂竹香。She comes here every Sunday to smell the white double violets, the musk rose , the matted pink gillyflowers.