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把一些事情都模块化了。We modularize things.

另一个重要步骤就是模块化JRubyAnother important step is to modularize JRuby

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否则,很容易丢失任务从属关系的轨迹。Failure to modularize makes it easy to lose track of dependencies.

安全方面模块化的尝试已经是有些年了。Attempts to modularize security concerns have been ongoing for many years.

基于RS-485总线网络,自行模块化设计了护士助手机器人控制系统。Modularize the helpmate robot control system based on RS-485 bus framework.

你要是有非模块化的代码,就很难对它们进行模块化。If you have existing code that is non-modular, it can be difficult to modularize it.

不过,通过将文件分解成三部分或者更多部分,可以将内容模块化。However, you can modularize the content by breaking the file up into three or more parts.

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值得注意的是不但可以将信息的表示方法模块化,还可以将互动操作模块化。Finally, you cannot only modularize how information is presented but also interactive behaviors.

理想的情况下,我们希望能够将那个功能模块化,而不影响Person对象。Ideally, we want to be able to modularize that functionality without affecting the Person object.

我要对我的代码进行模块化,这样就可以有单独的控制器来处理应用的不同部分了。I like to modularize my code, so I allow separate controllers for different parts of the application.

Dll提供给应用程序一种模块化方案,使得程序功能的更新和重用更加容易。DLLs provide a way to modularize applications so that functionality can be updated and reused more easily.

您可能基于多种原因模块化模式,但这个小节关注使用模块特性来扩展模式。You might modularize schemas for a lot of reasons, but this section focuses on using modularity to extend them.

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模型是运用DEVS规范技术对离散事件系统的UML模型进行层次化、模块化。The model of UML-BD is to hierarchize and modularize the UML model of discrete event system by using DEVS modeling technology.

此功能集成级别允许组织对其应用程序投资组合的主要或关键部分进行组件化和模块化。This functional integration level allows the organization to componentize and modularize major or critical parts of its application portfolio.

切面是AOP的核心,就是把对一个可能横切不同的多个对象的关注点模块化,这些模块化单元就叫“切面”。Aspect is the core of AOP, it means to modularize a concern that may crosscut in many program modules, these modularized concerns calls "Aspect".

在前人研究的基础上,本文采用模块化设计方法设计了上下位机各自的软件系统。On the basis of previous research, this thesis respectively designs the upper and lower computers' software system based on modularize design method.

摘要移动感测器网路是一个多机器人系统,而移动底盘是机器人中较为独立的部分,对此把这部分模组化,使之成为一个具有通用性的模组。Consider that the mas-net is a multi-robots system and the mobile underpan is an independent part of the robot modularize this part can make it into a universal module.

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定常结构FFT的每级流图均具有相同的流图结构,因而易于编程,在FFT硬件处理器中使控制器得到简化,同时使阵列处理器和流水线处理器易于实现模块化。Constant geometry FFTs are kept constant flow diagram from pass to pass, which can simplify some programs or hardware design and modularize array or pipeline FFT processors.

它设法模块化这些关键点,但是也允许设计良好的和其它关键点行为的“混合”,包括应用程序的核心域逻辑,不管是在编译时还是运行时。It seeks to modularize these concerns, yet enable the fine-grained “mixing” of their behaviors with other concerns, including the core domain logic of the application, either at build or run time.