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你说你将会轮流我幸福。You say you will take me blessedness.

我最大的愿望是她能幸福。My best wish is to give her blessedness.

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我们全都关心他的幸福。We are all concerned about his blessedness.

争取属于自己的幸福。Gain the blessedness that belongs to myself.

对于中国人圆月意味着幸福和团圆。For Chinese, the round moon means blessedness and unity.

似乎我一心向往过一种单身的辛福生活。But I have, it appears, been set on a life of single blessedness.

行人,此星来预告,真理,和平,光,福降。Traveler, blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends.

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狗年了,挂一只如此可爱的走马灯让我们一直幸福下去。Hang the same nice lantern. Lucky and blessedness will be kept forever.

没有其他事比在交通里连于神更蒙福。There is no blessedness greater than that of abiding communion with God.

若没有了一切的牵绊,我该去哪里触摸我的幸福。If haven't weigh in hand, where can touch that blessedness of trivialness.

江水每日里只是奔涌,为布衣人的幸福苦难欢腾和呼号。River jubilats for the blessedness and pain of Buyi folk people every day.

我会像他们爱我一样的去爱他们,我会给他们一个幸福的晚年。I will love them like they loved me, i will give them a blessedness senectitude.

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在她看来,且不论内容是什么,单看那笔迹就是一件圣物。To her, the handwriting itself, independent of anything it may convey, is a blessedness.

田间的树林竹篱可为我们的喜乐做见证,我们渴望再次得到这样的祝福。The hedges and the trees can bear witness to our joy. We look for such blessedness again.

要了解这种至福,心意必须完全从认同和模仿中摆脱出来。Mind-emotion must be wholly free from identification and imitation, to know this blessedness.

假若你得到幸福,那麽我的祝福就是在相隔千万里的遥远国度看你开怀。If you can find blessedness , my benison is that I can see you will be happy in faraway country.

医患沟通的目的是为了促进病人的健康和幸福。The aim of communicate between doctors and patients is for healthiness and blessedness of patients.

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幸福是个比较级,要有东西垫底才容易感觉到。各位早安!Blessedness is of comparative degree, you will feel it with more ease when there is something under you.

正如大卫称那在行为以外,蒙神算为义的人是有福的。Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works

有一种赐福必须相信,那就是万物住于永恒的极乐中,现在以及永远。There is a blessedness surely to be believed, and that is that everything abides in eternal ecstasy , now and forever.