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我喜欢穿我的那件红开襟绒线衫。I like to wear my red cardigan.

也许这会是一件没有扣子的开司米羊毛衫。Maybe it's a cashmere cardigan without buttons.

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一件斜纹长羊毛衫才是当前的时令。A long, lean cardigan is a contemporary upgrade.

我在把羊毛纺成丝线,用它来编一件毛衫。The thread so that I can knit it into a cardigan.

开襟毛衣一件时髦的毛衣可以立即打亮整套造型。Cardigan A snazzy sweater instantly dresses up any outfit.

另外一名乘客给我一件羊毛衫裹住宝宝。Another passenger gave me her cardigan to wrap the baby in.

早晚凉中午热的天气,穿件针织开衫再适合不过了。Wear the black cardigan to deal with the changable weather.

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上星期三他告诉我说,他喜欢我的开衫的颜色。Last Wednesday he told me he liked the colour of my cardigan.

在卡迪根湾的另一狭长地段的尾端是巴德西岛。At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island.

这一次,米勒在一件深色衬衫外面套了件深色羊毛开衫。This time, Ms. Miller wore a dark cardigan over a dark blouse.

再穿一件风情万种的衬衫,搭配开襟羊毛衫,就是超级有型的周末装了。Add a flirty blouse and cardigan for a super chic weekend look.

为了增加另一款套装,可试缝开衫式上装。To add another suit option, try sewing the cardigan style jacket.

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男人们应该剪断羊毛衫的袖子——这样很有下一季度普拉达的味道。Men should cut the sleeves off a cardigan – very next-season Prada.

再配上一件相称的对襟羊毛衫,无论是去教堂还是参加晚宴,你都准备妥当。Pair with a matching cardigan and you're set for church and dinner.

我们买一件开司米毛衣代替朋友的忠告。We buy a cashmere cardigan as a substitute for the counsel of friends.

一条及膝的裙子,黑色的浅口鞋和一件羊毛衫总是不会出错的。You can't go wrong with a knee-length skirt, black pumps, and a cardigan.

这是一张丽芙和她自己设计的开襟羊毛衫的图片!Here is Liv with her own designed cashmere cape cardigan for Lutz & Patmos!

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如果是无袖连衣裙,在外面穿一件运动衫或开衫它。If does not have sleeve dress, wear a sweater in the outside or cardigan it.

这个织拉克兰的方法其实很简单,省了缝合的工。This method of knitting a raglan cardigan is really simple and straight-forward.

我那年22岁,穿着牛仔裤和长羊毛衫,正要回我在韦茅斯的家。I was 22, wearing jeans and a long cardigan and I was on my way home to Weymouth.