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九斤离开时磕头感谢四爷的照顾。Nine pounds left kowtow to thank his care.

弄墨也跟着一般的跪下,磕头。Make Mo to also follow to generally bend down, kowtow.

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我愿给你磕头,谢谢谢谢谢谢!I kowtow at your feet. Thank you thank you thank you! ! !

他是一个勇敢的人,我相信他不会向敌人卑躬屈膝的。He's a brave man. I'm sure he will not kowtow to the enemy.

光海君也明白宣祖真意,所以再次磕头反对。Light also know that the sea king XuanZu meaning, so again kowtow.

你能想象吗?我跪下给她磕头乞求她放过我?别在折磨我?Can you imagine that I was give her a kowtow to beg her to spare me?

戴公庙。这是一个我每次回家都要去磕头烧香的庙。I go to this temple to kowtow and burn joss sticks each time I go home.

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我如获至宝的接住了铅笔,差点就热泪盈眶的磕头拜谢。I seem to have hit the jackpot caught pencil, almost tears kowtow to me.

让栾学堂和关雅丽在栾父的牌位前磕头认错。Let Luan school and GuanYa before the memorial tablet of LuanFu kowtow to apologize.

据说,港澳不大可能遵守经合组织规定,也不对外国政府惟命是从。They are, it is said, less likely to enforce the OECD rules or to kowtow to foreigners.

如果中国人不愿意对我们美国人磕头,我们将象对待日本猪那样对待你们。But if you Chinese dont wanna kowtow to us, we will treat you like how we treat Jap pigs.

离开时,我给舅舅说,我未曾见过外婆,给她磕个头吧。At the moment we were leaving,I said to uncle,"I have never seen grandma before,I wanna kowtow to her.

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一般是这样,家里给压岁钱就是给我们这小孩子。Normally, our elders give us children new year money. We kowtow to them and give them our best wishes.

离开时,我给舅舅说,我未曾见过外婆,给她磕个头吧。At the moment we were leaving, I said to uncle, "I have never seen grandma before, I wanna kowtow to her."

他们不希望美国落入印度的武器,但他们也不想给我们磕头。They don't want the United States to fall into the arms of India, but they also do not intend to kowtow to us.

国际货币基金组织和世界银行已经成分了犹太复国主义者的武器,那些不听话的国家就会受到制裁。The IMF and World Bank have been weaponised to be usedagainst countries that don't kowtow to the Zionist agenda.

师父会第一时间将其重伤,断了他的四肢,之后让他在你坟前磕头。Teacher will instantaneous its severely wounded, broke his weapon and legs, make him kowtow ahead the grave at you.

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见过磕长头的人吗?他们的脸和手都很脏,可是心灵却很干净。Have you seen the people when they make a long kowtow? Their faces and hands are all dirty, but their hearts are clean.

只见帝一夫人跪拜在垫子上,边上放着一串长长的佛珠。Sees throne an lady kowtow on the mattress ugg short put aboard the side a string of long long of Buddhist prayer beads.

马戛尔尼伯爵说,如果一个和他级位相等的中国人,向乔治三世的图片叩头,那么他才会向乾隆皇帝叩头。Lord Macartney said he would only perform the kowtow if a Chinese person of his rank kowtowed to a picture of King George.