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我们了解到巴氏杀菌法也可用于初乳的消毒。We are learning that pasteurization can be used for colostrum also.

它不仅破坏人体消化,而且巴氏杀菌法对其无效。It isn’t destroyed by human digestion. And pasteurization is no help.

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鲜奶拥护者同时也宣称灭菌过程破坏了重要的营养素。Raw milk advocates also claim that pasteurization destroys key nutrients.

巴氏杀菌设备的最后一个关键组成部分是保温管。The final key component of the pasteurization system is the holding tube.

事实上,巴氏法反倒增加了牛奶中IGF-1的浓度水平。In fact, the pasteurization process actually increases IGF-1 levels in milk.

要求牛奶必须经过巴氏杀菌的英国法律也成了乔夫舅舅特别攻击的靶子。The law requiring pasteurization of milk in England was a particular target of Uncle Geoff's.

大家知道,即使母乳经过了巴氏消毒法和冷冻后,仍能保持绝大部分的营养成分。Even after pasteurization and freezing, the milk is known to retain most of its healthy properties.

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本项研究是利用远红外加热设备对液态食品进行杀菌。In this study, pasteurization equipment using far-infrared radiation was developed for liquid food.

医学专家将杀菌视为公众健康历史上的其中一个重要的突破。Medical experts consider pasteurization as one of the major breakthroughs in public health history.

工业界对液体蛋制品使用的巴氏灭菌在灭活该病毒方面也是有效的。Pasteurization used by industry for liquid egg products is also effective in inactivating the virus.

类似的冷法灭菌工艺在其它产品诸如果汁和葡萄酒制造中也得到了应用。Similar cold pasteurization processes can be applied to other products such as fruit juices and wines.

并经由总菌数的减少与接种立枯菌试验验证杀菌效果。The effect of pasteurization was evaluated by microbial total count and Rhizoctonia solani inoculation tests.

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我们设计保温管来确保产品在巴氏杀菌温度时的保留时间。The holding tube is designed to establish a retention time for the product AT the pasteurizATion temperATure.

今天人们把这种对食品进行热处理使致病生物体失活的概念恰当地称为“巴氏灭菌”。The concept of heat treating foods to inactivate pathogenic organisms is termed appropriately "pasteurization" today.

食物的巴氏灭菌法通过高温杀死微生物,但是高温同样能够使营养流失。Pasteurization makes food safe by heating microbes to death. But the high temperatures can destroy some nutrients too.

为达到理想结果而使用的两个中度热处理过程分别是巴氏杀菌和热烫。Two processes that utilize relatively mild thermal treatments to achieve the desired results are pasteurization and blanching.

所有的杏仁都要经过消毒以除去其中的病毒和细菌。All almonds undergo mandatory pasteurization to remove poison and bacteria -- which has stirred up food controversy since 2007.

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这种新酒可以用巴氏杀菌或鼢进行杀菌,然后向其中添加我们需要的微生物。The must also can be sterilized by pasteurization or the use of sulfur dioxide, and then the desired microbial culture is added.

加热的巴氏杀菌在杀死了污染微生物的同时,也影响了食物的色、香、味和营养品质。Thermal pasteurization not only kills contaminating microorganisms but also affects the taste, color, and nutritional quality of foods.

菠萝在分解蛋白质上是这三种中最强者,且不会在制成果汁时的巴氏消毒法中丢失所有酶。Pineapple is the strongest of the three at breaking down protein and does not lose all enzymes through pasteurization in the creation of juice.