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可那个时代结束了。But that era is over.

现在那个时代过去了。Now that era is gone.

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现在,嘉宝的时代已经过去了。Garbo’s era had passed.

在滴干成衣时期之前。Before the drip-dry era.

而是一个后美国的时代。It's a post-American era.

我们是否正处在后PC时代?Are we in the post-PC era?

芬格兰绿色时代势不可挡!FGR'Green Era Is Inundant!

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网络新闻时代由此而生。The Web news era had begun.

接下来的四年将是非PC的时代。Then, there is the un-PC era.

我们想知道他的投手防御率。We might want to know his ERA.

羽坛史无前例,后无来者的时代巨人。Lin Dan, the giant of this era.

我们现在处在一个信息时代。We're in an era of information.

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成啦新时期地盛行风。Has become popular for a new era.

那儿就是新纪元的锚定之处。That is the anchor of the New Era.

文学和艺术都反映它们的时代。The psychohistory of the Nazi era.

他的死标志著一个时代的结束。His death marked the end of an era.

他的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。His death marked the end of an era.

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我们处于一个‘碎片化’的时代。We're in an era of 'fragmentation'.

一个闪耀的世纪的黄金时代在接近。A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer.

迈开了烟花的新时代纪元?Taking a new era of era of fireworks.