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坎德拉·肖飞那艘船?Kendra Shaw flew which ship?

萧船没有死,但是却发了疯。Shaw didn't die, but the mad.

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肖先生没有立即回答。Shaw made no immediate answer.

小宝把你家厨房的窗子打破了。Shaw Baw broke your kitchen window.

那个窗户是小宝打破的。That window was broken by Shaw Baw.

萧是个与中不同的艺术家啊。Shaw is an artist with a difference.

萧是个与中不同的艺术家啊。Shaw was an artist with a difference.

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这剧本是肖伯纳写的。The play was written by Bernard Shaw.

医院里,有人救走了萧船。The hospital, someone save go shaw ship.

徐嘉惠还是继续跟肖如交往。XuJiaHui or continue with shaw as contacts.

他开始滔滔不绝地讲起萧伯纳的轶事。He launched into endless anecdotes about Shaw.

在所有作家中,我钦佩萧先生。Of all living writers, I admire Mr. Shaw most.

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云子通知中村功,萧船曾经死了。Cloud son notice, shaw ship once village work died.

Shaw先生在马纳萨斯的组织办公室签约了。Mr. Shaw signed up at the group's office in Manassas.

二零零四年二月,程教授获委任为逸夫书院院长。In February 2004, he was appointed head of Shaw College.

而“蒿”即香蒿,也就是“萧”。" And "sophia" means fragrant Artemisia, that is, "Shaw.

萧先生在拳击以及华尔街投资中发财致富。Mr. Shaw made his fortune in the ring and on Wall Street.

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喜爱可以转为恋爱,但很少由恋爱变成喜爱。Like can turn to love but seldom love to like. —P. K. Shaw.

徐宗冕解释他是萧家的上门女婿。He is shaw home the door son-in-law Xu Zongmian explanation.

“来!坐到肖老板的旁边”国栋安排她坐下。" To sit next to Shaw boss! " she sat down Guodong arrangement.