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经济团队另外一个引人注目的特点是它的中间性。The team's other striking feature is its centrism.

潘恩先生的中间路线在一定程度上源于个人的政治信仰。Mr Penn's centrism is partly a matter of personal sympathies.

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在政治上她们崇尚中间路线,结婚十年以上,有孩子。In politics,they advocate centrism with over ten-years marriage and children.

所以软现实主义反对那种以西方人类学为代表的西方文化中心主义。So soft against the kind of realism to the West, represented by anthropology centrism of Western culture.

对于奥巴马来说,他的核心原则就是左派和右派,中心内主义和进步主义的组合,还掺杂着自由主义。For Obama, his core principles are a mix of left and right, centrism and progressivism, laced with liberalism.

一种超越自然中心主义的“新人类中心主义”是把人作为“感性和理性统一”的主体来看待的,因而,为人类的生存提供了理由。There is a "new human centrism" treating human being as the subject of unification of ration and perception, thus it can provide reasons of human existence.

也就是说,文学既然强调和谐和平衡,又怎么能用于政治目的呢?How, in other words, can it be put to political purposes if there is this underlying, implicit centrism in this notion of reconciliation, harmonization, and balance?

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“中心主义”或“欧洲中心主义”是异质文化交流的关键词,但中心主义在更多的情况下却被抽象地加以研究。"Centrism" or "Euro-centrism" has always been a key word in the research of intercultural communication, however, it has, to a great extent, been studied rather abstractly.

悬搁中心命题并超越中心化思维方式,是重焕生态批评生命力的必要前提。It seemed to be two necessary premises to hang up the proposition of anthropocentrism and to surpass the thinking mode of "centrism" when we want to revive the vitality of ecocriticism.

通过西方国家收购制度的考察,可以发现,各国均不同程度地确立了反收购制度,但存在限制的程度与股东会中心主义与董事会中心主义的区别。It is found that anti-takeover systems in the western countries have been established, but there are limits to the extent and the differences between board centrism and shareholders centrism.