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简而言之,就是聚合力。This in a nutshell is the clustering force.

为测试迁移和集群做准备。Prepare for the test migration and clustering.

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基于卫星云图的聚类分析。The clustering analysis of satellite nephogram.

本文对BBL结群及其在布局中的应用进行了研究。In this paper, the clustering of BBL is researched.

我们称这种现象为家庭内部聚集。We refer to this phenomenon as intrafamilial clustering.

集群一直以来都是难以解决的问题。Clustering has historically been a hard problem to solve.

DBSCAN是一个基于密度的聚类算法。DBSCAN is a spatial clustering algorithm based on density.

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至此,我们已经可以运行这个群集算法了。At this point, we are ready to run the clustering algorithm.

集群的一个简单范例在引言中给出了。A simple example of clustering was given in the introduction.

选择具有最大F-统计量的划分聚类方案。The clustering scheme with the largest F-statistics is chosen.

计算各区域内的颜色统计直方图,进行二类颜色聚类。Bi-color clustering based on the color histogram was performed.

在报春的一簇簇叶子下面长出了白紫两色的紫罗兰。And their clustering leaves below White and purple violets grow.

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丛林气息的串式耳环打造动人的你。The dangler clustering form of jungly breath is made moving you.

文中构建了一个基于最大熵结合中文词语聚类的词性标注器。The paper built a POS tagger based on MaxEnt and word clustering.

提出了一种基于聚类和粗糙集的数据挖掘模型。We propose a data mining model based on clustering and rough set.

其余37个穴位为一类,聚类无明显规律。Another type of other 37 acupoints, without obvious clustering rule.

本章首先介绍了聚类分析的定义和评价方法。Firstly it introduces the definition of Clustering and its appraisal.

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标注文本集合聚类后生成的类簇被称为聚类描述问题。Novel method of frequent term sets-based text clustering was presented.

第四章主要介绍了人才认知系统所使用的聚类分析方法。The fourth chapter mainly introduces the method of Clustering Analysis.

相反,如果PEMA链段足够长时,则可以阻止胶束聚集的发生。A longer PEMA block can prevent or delay the clustering of the micelles.