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你是电话脸、主妇脸还是糖分脸?Do you have a Phone, Frow or Sugar face?

他的梦想常常脱离现实。His dreams are often divorced frow reality.

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我们乘船驶离岸边,不久就到了海上。We pushed off frow the shore and were soon out to sea.

而佛柔现在开始,我将做什么I才能在学习得更快!And frow now on , I'll do what Ican to learn much better!

从那一刻起,一切似乎到鲜明了意义。Frow that moment, everything seemed to marked perfect sense to me.

我终于按他讲的情况把事情经过贯穿了起来。I managed to piece together what had happened frow what he told me.

妈妈,我长大了,我已大白是非曲直短长了,您就放心吧。Mum, I grew up, I already know right frow wrong , you can count to me.

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从系统论的角度而论,企业是社会的细胞。Frow the viewpoint of system theory an enterprise is a cell of society.

对精神成长的深切呼唤,彰显出小说的思想深度。The calling for the spiritual growth reflects the deep thinking frow the author.

谢谢你给我施肥!我已经给了你我所有的智慧,但是你仍可以让我长得更高!Thank you for feeding me! I've given you all my wisdom, but you can still frow me taller!

永远不要皱着眉头,因为你不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。Never frow even when you are sad because you never know who is falling in love with you smile.

不要想过去的和已做的事情,因为想到过去会唤起懊悔和悲伤。Keep away frow your thoughts of things that are past and done, for thinking of the past wakes regret and pain.

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当你15岁的时候,她工作回家,期待一个拥抱,你以紧锁的房门来感谢她。When you were 15 year old, she came home frow work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.

即日起,乘坐阿航的儿童不仅能享受机上娱乐系统带来的欢乐,还将获得一袋独特新颖的玩具。Frow now on, they will find a brand new bumper bag of goodies to make flying fun, in addition to the airline's extenstive inflight entertainment package.

成矿热液活动由早阶段到晚阶段在空间上似具有由高向低、氧逸度具由低到高的演变特征。From early to late stage metallogenic hydrothermal activity evolves from high to low altitude in space, and the oxygen fugacity changes frow lowto high value.

从见到你的那一刻起,那一刻你正为一位年轻的母亲和她的小宝宝开门,那一刻当看到你的盈盈笑魇,我就明白我只愿与你执手偕老,共度余生。Frow the moment I saw your smile, as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby, I knew. I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you.

在实现过程中,利用DXF文件作为转换文件,使得从根据图纸绘制的原图到三维动画形成了一个连贯的流程。During the procedure, the DXF-file was used as a swap file to form acoher ent flow frow the original drawing to the 3-D movie which was used in the multimedia training system and courseware.

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从工科院校专业课题库组建的特点出发,提出一种通用题库开发工具的模型设计方法。Proceeding frow the characteristics of building computer subject question bank in science colleges, the author suggested a model designing method of development tool for general question bank.