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它还在继续无理蛮横的行为。It has continued to act unreasonably.

该同意不应被无故扣压。The said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

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如此的重大的胜利带来了不合理的巨大期望。With such a great victory come unreasonably great expectations.

有时候,这一点促使他们毫无理由的去控制他人。Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people.

如鱼获处于有不寻常状态将被取消资格。Fish, which are found to be unreasonably stale, will be disqualified.

支持乱党的发现机率,不会再没来由地高。Discovery chance after supporting rebels is now no longer unreasonably high.

换句话说,邻接权的范围不得被不合理的扩大。In another word, the range of relating right shall not be unreasonably extended.

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“最忠诚的球迷”对他们的期待高得不合情理。The expectations of 'De Bestest Fans in de Werld Ever, Like' have become unreasonably high.

批准、证书、同意及决定不得被无理扣压或拖延。Approvals, certificates, consents and determinations shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

那时候扫描时间十分漫长,而且在CT检查时高暴露于放射线。That was an unreasonably long scan time and in the case of CT entailed very high exposure to radiation.

原发性眼睑痉挛症并非很少见的疾病,但常因误诊或治疗的方法不当而造成治疗的效果不佳。Tough the essential blepharospasm is not a rare disease, it is usually missed and treated unreasonably.

那些看起来不合情理的严厉,顽固,心胸狭窄或者不正直的灵魂也许正在不折不扣的履行他们自己的角色。Persons who seem unreasonably stern, stubborn, mean-spirited or unfair may be fulfilling their roles to the letter.

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当然,业主委员会也不能在合同期满前硬“炒”物业公司的“鱿鱼”。Vice versa, house-owner committee cannot unreasonably sack property management company before the company's expiry.

对于任何此类同意、批准、证明或决定都不应被无故扣压或拖延。Provided that any such consent, approval, certificate or determination shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed.

父母抱怨孩子行为不端,孩子则认为父母太落伍。Parents complain their children are behaving unreasonably while the children declare their parents to be old-fashioned.

天秤座的人喜欢大型、开放的场所,如会堂和露天大型运动场。Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras lide large, open spaces like halls and stadiums.

天秤座的人爱大型、开放的场所,如会堂和露天大型运动场。Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums.

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天秤座的人喜欢大型、开放的场所,如会堂和露天大型运动场。Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums.

中国越无理取闹的进犯,日本、印度、越南、韩国,甚至俄罗斯就越需要美国充当救世主。The more china unreasonably aggressive, the more us is needed as a savior by japan, india, vietnam, korea, and even russia.

不应该让弗吉尼亚的纳税人来承担可再生能源过高的生产成本。"The ratepayers of Virginia must be protected from costs for renewable energy that are unreasonably high, " the regulators said.