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其次,梳理了以市民社会为逻辑起点的文化领导权理论。Secondly, I hackle the culture hegemony theory that is based logically on citizen society.

就好像学武功的人,一开始挥剑乱砍的确能吓到人,但终归是要失败告终的。Like to learn martial arts, initially makes a hackle can scare people, but was bound to fail.

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本文主要梳理了此次办院方针之争的具体情形,并结合当时的社会背景探讨这一论争的意义。The paper try to hackle the specific process of the controversy, and explore the significance of it.

文章对这两方面的成就,作了全面地梳理概述。The article makes across-the-broad summarization and hackle on the accomplishment on these two sides.

首先,对中国古代数学、医学、天文学等学科知识的传承进行梳理。Firstly, hackle prevalence and inheritance of the ancient Chinese mathematics, medicine, astronomy. etc.

其次是对生涯教育进行了界定,并系统梳理了生涯教育理念从萌芽到成熟的过程。Secondly define career education and hackle the whole process of the idea of career education from germination to maturity systematically.

所以本文试图从梳理诗中歧义入手,理清诗人的情感脉络及爱国思想特质,展示此诗独特的价值。So this article wants to hand out with ambiguities in this poem, hackle emotional skeleton and idealistic patriotism, show the special value of it.

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梳齿筛网主要用于冶金行业的炼铁厂和烧结厂的物料筛分振动设备上。The hackle screens are mainly used in the shaking screen classification attachments that are in iron-smelting plants and sintering ones of metallurgical industry.

本论文从批评的及物性、批评的理性等特点入手,去疏理这些特点在信件中是如何体现的。In this paper, from the transitivity of criticism, criticism of reason and tolerance of criticism and so on. It starts to hackle in the letter of the rationale for these features.

本文旨在通过对道家教育思想辨析、梳理,以揭示其基本特征,为当前中国美术教学目标的改革提供参照和借鉴。This paper offers consulting and reference to currently Chinese art teaching target reform through differentiate and hackle Taoism education thought and reveal its original character.

介绍了采用高频感应堆焊方法在梳齿筛网表面制备高耐磨合金层以提高其使用寿命2倍以上。The process that makes high wear-resistant alloy coating on hackle screens by means of high frequency induction build-up welding which improves the service lives over 2 times are introduces.

本文主要以广泛应用的板翅式机油换热器为研究对象,以锯齿形翅片为传热单元,以优化设计理论为基础,应用ANSYS软件对锯齿形翅片进行优化。In this paper, the study was focused on plate-fin oil cooler whose heat transfer element is hackle fin, and used ANSYS software to optimize the hackle fin on the basis of optimization theory.

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从古到今留下文献资料较多,如根据文献资料加以梳理,将为即将开展的边疆考古和古道文化调查打下基础。There remain many literature materials through history. To hackle these materials may serve as a foundation for the soon coming frontier archeology and cultural investigations of the ancient road.

本文试图以时间为线索,对上千年来有关董永事迹的文物文献加以系统梳理,期以见出董永故事文献的发展演变情况。With the clue of time, this article attempts to hackle all the relics and literature related to Dong Yong story in more than one thousand year, hoping to show the status of development and change of.