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我相信并坚持这是导演该有的原则。I believe this is an auteur principle and one I stand by.

导演们崇奉导演第一论,不过很多演员不这么认为。Directors believe in the auteur theory but not many actors do.

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除此之外,首场胜利属于开幕式的导演张艺谋。Otherwise the first triumph belonged to the evening's auteur Zhang Yimou.

这个厄运有可能降临詹姆斯•卡梅伦这位好莱坞最大胆、最敢花钱的大导演身上吗?Could this fate befall James Cameron, Hollywood’s most daring and extravagant auteur?

这次的亚洲重磅计划意在推广导演们的艺术电影。This heavily Asian program is designed to promote art-house cinema with a clear auteur inclination.

是什么突出特点的景观的导演选择编织成的故事?What was the prominent characteristic in the landscape the auteur chose to weave into the storyline?

思维敏捷、知识渊博的小胖墩查尔斯是影片导演。Pudgy Charles is the director, with the quick mind, bossiness and vast reserves of movie lore that mark a budding auteur.

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而电影在这方面所遇到的困难是,它那工作的庞大规模与繁杂性是跟这样单独一个作者相对立的。The difficulty with movies, however, is that their very massiveness and complexity work against their having such an auteur.

当异想天开的皮克斯工程师和情绪化的德国导演发出同样的信息时,也许我们该报以注意了。When the whimsical techies at Pixar and a moody German auteur are sending out the same message, it may be time to pay attention.

慷慨地说明,这本书分析了历史发展的电影作者和作者的概念和理论基础。Generously illustrated, the book analyzes the historical development and theoretical underpinnings of the concepts of film authorship and the auteur.

说实话,我觉得只要导演的意志够坚定,他一定可以想方设法让电影的情节峰回路转、再现生机,但首先,得让我们的英雄和恐怖分子的头头打个照面。Honestly, I think a really determined auteur could figure out how to drop an oil spill off a cliff, but let’s go with the evil terrorist leader again.

电影以艾布拉姆斯少年时代的导演经历为蓝本,讲述了1979年夏天一群孩子利用超8摄像机拍摄一部僵尸电影的故事。Using his adolescent auteur experiences as the jumping-off point, the story follows a group of children in the summer of 1979 as they set about making an 8mm zombie film.

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也许个性导演已成风尚,如果你看过蒂姆的一部电影,那么事实上你就已看过他所有的电影,这种说法可能会受到争议,因此,截然不同与坚持不懈成了蒂姆.波顿的风格。In perhaps true auteur fashion, it could be argued that if you have seen one Tim Burton film then you have effectively seen them all, so distinct and persistent is his vision.

然而,如果将“林奇主义”看作大卫•林奇电影作者身份的标签,那么它就不应该至于影音的表层,而应该指向电影的主题。However, if the word "Lynchican" could be labeled David Lynch as a film auteur , then it should not just stay in the surface of the picture, but should point to the movie theme.