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把那些放到一边。Put those aside.

杰德把我叫到另一边。Jed took me aside.

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汤姆把我猛推到一边。Tom thrust me aside.

抛开你的忧虑吧。Cast your care aside.

这是题外话This is another aside.

他把马丁猛推到一旁。He thrust Martin aside.

蔬菜类放在一边备用。Set the vegetables aside.

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上诉被驳回了。The appeal was set aside.

她转过脸哭了。She turned aside and wept.

她把包裹掷在一边。She dashed the parcel aside.

她对他的苦恼置之不理。She waved his worries aside.

我把它放在一边。So, I'll just put him aside.

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站开,站我们过去!Stand aside and let us pass!

站开,让我们过去。Stand aside and let us pass.

他迅速闪避到一旁。He made a sudden dodge aside.

课后,我又一次把他拉到一旁。I pulled him aside after class.

这种放在一边就是信心。This putting aside is SHRADDHA.

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他把所有的旧书都扔掉了。He cast aside all his old books.

鸡蛋去壳,置于碗内备用。Remove the egg shell. Set aside.

拿出来放在一边5分钟,放凉。Set aside for 5 minutes to cool.