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当人在南方时,要吃秋葵。When in the South , eat okra.

秋葵在斯里兰卡是很受欢迎的蔬菜。Okra is a popular vegetable in Sri Lanka.

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我会做出点尝试新的食物如秋葵浓汤。Ill make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo.

看,我们发现了茄子,苦瓜,还有秋葵哦。Look, we found the eggplants, balsam pears and okra.

我要让点,尝试新的食物秋葵秋葵汤一样。I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo.

通过抑菌实验可知,豆渣发酵产物具有一定的抑菌效果。The product of fermented okra natto has an antibacterial.

我保证我以后最多就只吃一份秋葵。I promise never to eat more than one serving of okra again.

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地面铺满秋葵的图案,加重了祭坛内部的红色调。The ground was covered with okra paint, enhancing the redness of theplace.

马铃薯饺子,鹰嘴豆及秋葵专为尊贵客人中的素食者们准备。Potato dumplings with chick peas and okra for vegetarians like the honored guest.

专家称,菜园种植选择土豆、辣椒、豆类、及秋葵等为好。Experts say good choices for the garden include tomatoes, peppers, beans and okra.

综述国内外近年来关于黄秋葵的应用价值以及栽培技术研究进展。The application value and cultivation technique of okra were reviewed inthe paper.

因为在中国很难找到美国的秋葵,所以你可以用中国的丝瓜代替。Because American okra is almost impossible to find in China, you can use Chinese okra.

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新鲜豆渣的缺点是水分含量高,难以贮藏,豆腥味重且口感粗糙。Fresh okra has high moisture content, bad taste and mouth feel, and is difficult to store.

秋葵或羊角豆,荚状的绿色蔬菜,都是宝贵营养成分的发电站。Okra or lady's finger, a pod-shaped green vegetable, is the powerhouse of valuable nutrients.

也可以从山芋、秋葵等高保湿效果等食物取得多醣类的营养!Can also from potato, okra contour moisturizing effect achieved much carbohydrate food such as nutrition!

孩提时住在山中,祖母会为我们张罗热乎乎的玉米面包、油煎秋葵和斑豆。When I was young in the mountains, Grandmother spread the table with hot corn bread, pinto beans and fried okra.

他建了一座坚固的砖瓦房,与妻子和儿子住在一起。He built a sturdy brick house there to share with his wife and son, and planted a vegetable garden with radishes, beans and okra.

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目的观察黄葵胶囊联合缬沙坦治疗糖尿病肾病临床疗效。Objective To observe clinical therapeutic effect of combination therapy with okra capsule and valsartan for diabetic nephropathy.

秋天是收获的季节,员工菜园收获了丰硕的秋葵菜和番薯,其中300磅的收成捐赠给了提供免费食品的慈善机构。The major harvest came in during the fall, with plentiful okra and enough sweet potatoes to donate 300 pounds to the food pantry.

——烧烤成为贫穷的南方黑人饭食首选,他们常常配以蔬菜,比如烤黄秋葵和甜薯。it became a dietary staple for impoverished Southern blacks, who frequently paired it with vegetables like fried okra and sweet potatoes.