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你们应该停止这种愚蠢的活动。You should desist from such foolish activities.

法官责令他别再威胁他妻子。The judge told him to desist from threatening his wife.

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法官告诫那男子切莫再去威胁其妻。The judge told the man to desist from threatening his wife.

该购物中心同意不再作假广告。The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.

这会令对话变得很难进行,从而让她打消念头。This will make these conversations so sticky that she will desist.

但最终你会收到理发师管理局的家伙寄来的一封信,信中命令你不得继续这样的做法。But eventually the folks at BOTCH will send you a letter, ordering you to desist.

但你仍然可以依据数字千年保护法案,要求未经许可,不得传播你的作品。You can still file DMCA notices, send cease and desist letters and demand licensing for your work.

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现在就停止并断念吧,因为这次不再有更多的警告,行动的时间到了。Cease and desist now because this time there is going to be no more warnings, this is action time now.

发出这种叫声的鬣狗似乎在说,它希望伙伴别闹了,让它单独呆一会儿。The giggling hyena seems to besignaling that it wants its social partner to desist and leave it alone.

然而,该银行仍受到FDIC所颁布的“政府禁令”,限制了它的资金整合。But the bank remains hobbled by a "cease and desist" order from the FDIC that limits its deposit-gathering.

如果他们不停止妄言,那末,他们中不信道的人,必遭痛苦的刑罚。If they desist not from what they say, truly, a painful punishment will befall the disbelievers among them.

当我们要求滥用公地的人们,「因良知之名」而停止,可以对他说什么呢?If we ask a man who is exploiting a commons to desist "in the name of conscience, " what are we saying to him?

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她已经在他的门下塞了半打字条,请他同情一下,不管他手头在做什么事,务必停下来,不要再这么干了。She must have slipped a half-dozen notes under his door asking him to kindly cease and desist whatever it was he was doing.

他谴责呼和浩特科考矿业公司的破坏行为,他还说,从九月份到最终停工,他五次警告该公司。He blamed Hohhot Kekao Mining for the destruction, adding that he had warned the company five times since September to desist.

因此对于任何运往沙特阿拉伯的货物,请停止显示货运代理的名称和地址。Therefore, please could you desist from showing any forwarders's name and address as consignees for any Saudi Arabian consignment.

在一、两个月里,可能什么事情也不会发生。但最终你会收到理发师管理局的家伙寄来的一封信,信中命令你不得继续这样的做法。You may be able to get away with this for a month or two. But eventually the folks at BOTCH will send you a letter, ordering you to desist.

美国官员说,演习旨在警告朝鲜军方停止对韩国采取进一步挑衅行为。U.S. officials say the training exercises are designed to warn North Korea's military to desist from further provocative actions against the South.

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我们希望阿富汗政府把态度严肃起来,打消那种损害与巴基斯坦双边关系的念头。We hope the Afghan government would adopt serious attitude and desist from vitiating the atmosphere of bilateral relations with Pakistan, said Sadiq.

我们希望阿富汗政府把态度严肃起来,打消那种损害与巴基斯坦双边关系的念头。We hope the Afghan government would adopt serious attitude and desist from vitiating the atmosphere of bilateral relations with Pakistan," said Sadiq.

第一百六十一条在法庭审判过程中,如果诉讼参与人或者旁听人员违反法庭秩序,审判长应当警告制止。Article 161 If any participant in the proceedings of a trial or by-stander violates the order of the courtroom, the presiding judge shall warn him to desist.