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损害系由贵公司疏忽所致。Damage attributable to your negligence.

无处不携弦管,直应占断春光。Ubiquitous portable chord, straight off attributable spring.

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但是有多少德罗巴努力的结果可直接归功于舍瓦?But how many of Drogba's haul are directly attributable to Shevchenko?

近距离的空袭杀伤结果将会把分数归到玩家的分数里。Close Air Support kills in Deathmatch are now attributable to players.

京剧中高亢嘹亮的唱法是因为什么原因?The loud, sharp singing style in Beijing operas is attributable to what?

他的英年早逝至少有部分是因为过度劳累和缺乏段锻炼。His untimely death was attributable at least in part to overwork and lack of exercise.

经营性现金流衡量的是因公司主营业务需要引起的现金流动。Operating cash flow measures the cash flow attributable to the company's main business.

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商检表明货物的受损是由于野蛮装卸所引起的。The survey has revealed that the damage to the goods is attributable to rough handling.

产生这类褶子的主要原因是纸张四周变形。Rumple child produced mainly attributable to the paper around the edge of the deformation.

指公司对其资产进行重新估价后,而产生的可分配给股东的储备。A reserve attributable to shareholders, produced by revaluation of a company's capital assets.

回报率仅仅取决于,我选择买卖期货的市场时机的能力The returns would be attributable solely to my ability to market time the bond futures market.

利润的逐个季度下滑,主要原因包括产品的销售下滑及产品组合不理想。The quarter-over-quarter decline was attributable to lower product sales as well as product mix.

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过去50多年中,全世界许多国家均报告过西尼罗河病毒引起的人类感染。Human infections attributable to WNV have been reported in many countries in the World for over 50 years.

两个世纪以后伊丽莎白时代的繁荣是以为你大范围使用羊粪的缘故。The rise of the Elizabethans two centuries later was attributable to the wide-spread use of sheep manure.

使用专用储存库队列管理器减少了这些交互带来的不稳定性。The use of dedicated repository queue managers reduces the volatility attributable to these interactions.

首集录动物中毒原因于1878年在澳大利亚发生蓝藻。The first recorded episode of animal poisoning attributable to cyanobacteria occurred in Australia in 1878.

这是中韩双方共同努力的结果,也包含着在座各位的积极贡献。All these are attributable to the concerted efforts of both sides and the active contribution you have made.

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为此,金管局即时公布总结余数字及因货币发行局的外汇交易而引起总结余变动的预测数字。Balance attributable to the currency board's foreign exchange transactions are disclosed on a real time basis.

教会将在新的教区委员会成立之前完成对奎因相关奇迹的核实。Identifying miracles attributable to Monsignor Quinn will be among the tasks before the new diocesan committee.

将在帐目中记录各捐助方现金总结余产生的利息。Interest arising on the overall cash balance attributable to individual donors will be recorded in the account.